Saturday, 1 March 2014

Regse Rebel

If You asked Me to Explain Who I am Id Say,'I am a BoerAfrikaner Rightwing Nationalist Patriot till I die.But I am Also a Neo Nazi Who Loves the German People and the Swastika Flag of thier Furher Adolf Hitler.I am Also a Poor White Rebel Redneck who Loves the Southern Dixie Flag as though it Were My Own and I love My Country Music from Way down South.I Am Proud of My English/Scottish Blood on My Mothers Side and My Swedish/Portugese Blood on My Fathers Side and of The Afrikaner Blood on My Fathers Mothers Side.Im Proud to Have German Godparents and to Have Lived in German South West Africa for Many Years.In Short I am a Mixture of Good Bloodlines that Makes for an Explosive Combination.Together with the Hart and Soul of a Boer its a Deadly Combination when Messed with.



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Why this is important

Big Rise in Support for Vicious Anti-White Party in South Africa

South Africa’s beleaguered white minority—already subjected to an unprecedented campaign of murder, robbery and violence—are facing a renewed assault in the build-up to the 2014 national elections with the growing support for a new violently anti-white party called the “Economic Freedom Fighters” (EFF).

The EFF was founded by the former head of the African National Congress’s Youth League, Julius Malema, after he was expelled from that party.

The EFF’s policy position of the party is based on the not unjustifiable claim that twenty years after the handing over of power to the black majority in 1994, black people are still not economically “liberated”.

By this they mean that blacks are still overwhelmingly poor, and even though white wealth levels have dropped dramatically, that group still appears to be in possession of most of the remaining financial assets of the country.

This fault with this view is not so much in its factual basis, but rather in the reasons for it.

In reality, strictly enforced affirmative action laws have radically changed the nature of business transactions in South Africa, because any moderate-sized company has to have majority black owners otherwise they are unable to obtain any significant contracts and face tax penalties.

What the last twenty years has actually done is artificially economically “empower” a tiny minority of elitist blacks, not because they are capable, but simply because they are “connected” blacks.

At the same time, the South African economy has steadily regressed, primarily due to three causes:

- Continued emigration of skilled whites (most estimates say that over a quarter of the white population of pre-1994 South Africa have left the country, forced out by crime and never-ending brutal violence),

- The devastating effect of black incompetence in taking over many formerly profitable enterprises and trashing them,

- And the dramatic decline in the efficiency of the civil service and state infrastructure in all its facets.

As a result of these factors, the reality has emerged that the vast masses of Africans, with an average IQ of just 65, are unemployed, unemployable and have no prospects for any sort of advancement—just like in the rest of Africa.

At the same time, leftist dogma has brainwashed these low-IQ people into believing that all their ills are the result of “white racism” rather than their own behavior.

This witches’ brew has bred the conditions in which the EFF has emerged—a party with a policy which demands the nationalization of land, mines, banks and other assets without compensation and, in particular, on a racial basis.

At a recent launch of its party group in Marikana (in the old western Transvaal, now called the North West Province), EFF supporters carried banners reading “Honeymoon is over for white people in South Africa” and “A revolutionary must become a cold killing machine motivated by pure hate”.



Asked about these posters, EFF leader Malema said that his party was “not racist, just honest.

“If white people want a permanent holiday they must return the stolen property,” he said, referring to the land which he bizarrely—and quite untruthfully—believes was occupied by blacks before the whites arrived in the country nearly 400 years ago.

Malema said there would never be reconciliation in the country as long as whites had the land.

“These people, the black masses are hurting. . . . The more you become more rejecting to the idea of sharing the land you will have an unled revolution, and that is anarchy. We don’t need anarchy. Let us talk about a genuine reconciliation,” Malema said.

The EFF’s foreign policy is also shaped by its internal ideas, and contains a demand to boycott Israel, to lift the trade embargo on Cuba and support for the violent anti-white regime in Zimbabwe.

* According to a poll published in the South African news source news24, the EFF’s policies of land reform have boosted black support for the party,

According to the report, some 38 percent of respondents believed the EFF would gain support because of its policies.

According to the survey, 42 percent of young blacks approved of “land reform” as defined by the EFF.

Support for the policy was also strongest in the Free State, with 56 percent of respondents approving it.

Abel Malan‎Boere-Afrikaner Volksraad

Volksgenote, ek plaas 'n volgende besprekingsonderwerp vir u. Neem asseblief duidelik kennis dat enige kras-, growe taalgebruik of nydige opmerkings teenoor enige ander persoon wat aan die gesprek deelneem, sumier verwyder sal word.
Daar is die afgelope week heelwat gesprekke, veral gesprekke op die radio, gevoer ten opsigte van samewerking tussen groeperinge wat hulself beywer vir die vryheid van ons volk.

My vraag aan u is: Wat is u siening ten opsigte van samewerking met ander groepe as die Volksraad wat hulself ook beywer vir selfbeskikking vir die "Volk" selfs groeperinge wat die stryd binne-parlementêr wil veg?

Abel Malan‎Boere-Afrikaner Volksraad

Volksgenote, dit is belangrik om van tyd tot tyd te gesels oor sake wat vir ons, as vryheidsgesinde volk, in die nabye toeloms van groot belang gaan word. Ek plaas vir u vandag twee modelle van moontlike staatsvorme wat heel waarskynlik die mees gewilde modelle behoort te wees.

1) Een lewensvatbare gebied; groot genoeg vir die hoeveelheid Boere-Afrikaners en assimileerbares wat onafhanklik wil wees. "n Gebied wat heel moontlik oor een of selfs twee gemeenskaplike provinsiale grense van die huidige azanië kan strek. "n Gebied met genoeg goeie, skoon water; genoeg goeie, diep gronde vir gewasverbouing asook die regte klimaat vir graanverbouing, veeboerdery, subtropiese gewasverbouing en wildboerdery. Genoeg toegang tot elektrisiteit, hetsy steenkool, wind of water. 'n Goeie, diep-genoeg hawe wat verkieslik geografies goed geleë is. Genoeg ongeskonde, mooi natuurbewaringsgebiede, insluitend 'n mooi kuslyn, 'n deel van die Drakensberge en Die Kruger Wildtuin, al is dit net die suidelike deel tussen die Krokodilrivier en die Letabarivier. 'n Gebied wat verder insluit Bloedrivier, Majuba en Vegkop.

2) 'n Konfederasie van kleiner, nie geografies aaneengeleë gebiede. Dit kan byvoorbeeld beteken 'n paar kleiner, nog steeds individueel-lewensvatbare gebiede wat al bogenoemde eienskappe besit. Wat elkeen intern deur sy eie staatsregering onder leiding van bv. 'n goewerneur soos in die VSA, bestuur word. Oorhoofs word die konfederasie van state dan deur 'n president, net soos die VSA, gelei, wat die buitelandse sake en die militêre inter-afhanklikheid van mekaar beheer en bestuur. Elke gebied behoort minsters die grootte van 'n Swaziland te wees.