Wednesday, 5 February 2014

AWB Wes-Kaap Promosieblad

Terroriste skiet vrou

Mev. Rhodine van der Walt (46) is in haar bed doodgeskiet nadat terroriste die huis se deur oopgebreek het in die afwesigheid van haar man.

Chris van der Walt, van Kavalierstraat Kempton Park, het later gesê hy het geweet daar is groot fout in die huis toe hy opdaag en merk dat die buitedeur gebreek is en oop staan.

Chris was by hul dogter en Rhodine het tuis gebly en gesê sy wil eerder probeer om ’n bietjie te slaap omdat sy deesdae sukkel om te slaap.

Hy het die polisie geskakel en vasgestel dat sy skootrekenaar, juwele en veiligheidskameras weg is, en die terroriste het probeer om die kluis uit te breek.

AWB Wes-Kaap Promosieblad

ANC brom oor skenkers

Die ANC het gesê hy is “diep bekommerd” oor die geheime internasionale skenker se rol in die noodlottige samesmelting van die DA en Agang SA verlede week.

“Wat die meeste bekommer is die openbare erkenning van die leiers van die twee partye dat dié buitelandse elemente, wat hul geldelike hulpbronne as hefboom gebruik, in staat is om aan hulle voor te skryf hoe hulle hul organisasie moet struktureer, wie hulle moet lei, met wie hulle moet ba­klei...” het Jackson Mthembu, woordvoerder van die ANC, gister in ’n persverklaring gesê.

Die ANC sê hy hoop nie die nuwe onthulling is ’n refleksie van die rol wat dié partye speel om die grondwetlike reg van kiesers te ondermyn om vrye politieke keuses uit te voer nie.

Alle politieke partye, ook die ANC, het egter Dinsdag vasgeskop teen hernieude druk om die name van hul skenkers bekend te maak.

Mthembu self het vroeër in die dag gesê die ANC is ook nie ten gunste van deursigtigheid ten opsigte van skenkers nie. “Nie nou nie. Daar is nie genoeg openbare finansiering uit die staatskas om partye te finansier nie, so nou moet partye staatmaak op donateurs en hulle verkies meestal anonimiteit.”

Die DA sê opposisiepartye se donateurs sal deur die regering geviktimiseer word as hul name bekend word.

Helen Zille, leier van die DA, het in ’n onderhoud op Talk Radio 702 gesê sy sou nooit deel van so ’n ooreenkoms wees nie, maar het gesê sy weet wie die skenker is.

“Wel, ek was beslis nie van plan om enige geld te aanvaar om saam te smelt nie,” het Zille gesê. “Jy weet ek sal dit nooit doen nie. Ek stel nie belang in sulke soort ooreenkomste nie.”

Jaco Botha.

Speak out for our Boer brothers and sisters in South Africa. They are being slaughtered and our leaders refuse to acknowledge it, our news won't report it and our neighbors won't discuss it. If it was your family under attack would you care??? — with Jaco Botha.


Western Cape February 05 2014 

It is a dark day for the country when its National Commissioner claims that crime is under control, while the murder rate has risen to 16,259 cases per year.
This means that almost two murders a day more occurred to bring the total number of murders committed daily to almost 45! Farm murders shows an even more alarming picture. In the same period farm murders increased by 34% to 68 in 2012/2013 compared to the 50 murders in 2011/2012. Farm attacks increased from 112 cases to 176 cases. Farm attacks in fact are violent crimes against people and not on property. Therefor it can be assumed that many of these attacks are nothing less than attempted murder, which were successfully averted.
What is even more disturbing is the apparent ignorance of the police in this regard. On the police’s official website the page titled ‘Farm Attacks’ under ‘Crime Prevention’ has been ‘under construction’ for months now, leaving the impression that the police do not regard this category of crime as a seriousness matter,” said Mr Henry Geldenhuys, Deputy President of TAU SA and Chairman of the Safety and Security Committee.Because the police stubbornly refuse to list farm murders as a separate crime category in their statistics, they are not even aware of this alarming increase in farm attacks. Furthermore it has to be borne in mind that TAU SA’s database on farm attacks and farm murders is probably incomplete because it relies on the feedback of members or on media reports which are then verified. Therefore the true picture could be worse,” says Mr Geldenhuys.
Since April 1 last year to date TAU SA’s database lists 67 murders and 150 farm attacks. If this trend was to continue until the end of last year 74 murders and 220 attacks was expected, which will represent a further increase of 24%. “The fact that the National Commissioner considers crime to be under control indicates that farmers should not expect any increased police interest in their problems, and therefore should continue their need to ensure that they are versed in self defence and the upgrading of their physical safety- and security measures,” said Mr Geldenhuys
The two main pillars of Afrikaner Genocide
American based Friends4Humanity released a youtube video earlier today to help spread the message about the conditions the European Minority of South Africa face. The video is a six minute photo gallery, very effectively portraying the realities of life for Afrikaners in South Africa.
What becomes very clear from these disturbing images is not only the hardships faced by those who have lost everything and have no means of making a living, but the viciousness of the tortures and murders of those Afrikaners that have managed to set up and run successful businesses (despite severe restrictions, aimed at excluding them) It is our belief that the basis of the current genocide rests on two pillars: ‘Economic Strangulation’ and, ‘Vicious Farm Murders’ (rural areas) and ‘Violent Home Invasions( urban areas)’ The realization of what is happening comes as a shock to the viewer:
‘Economic strangulation’ as a pillar of Genocide
According to the latest census figures released by StatsSA the unemployment figure for the European minority stands at 10 percent. If one adds to this, the elderly living on a tiny pension, the disabled and the children of those unemployed then it is not unreasonable to conclude that nearly a quarter of this population (1 000 000) is now destitute. Compare this to the situation 18 years ago when only 2% of Afrikaners could be classified as poor.
The reason for this is not difficult to see. The ANC policy of “Redistribution of Wealth” has resulted in legislation effectively cutting the European minority off from economic participation. Laws that bar them from entering the job market and thug-laws forcing existing companies to give away shares or directorships, are but a few of a whole range of extensive measures, aimed at getting rid of whites as the dominant race in business.
Poverty in die Afrikaner community has become more visible than ever before. It is shocking to witness the relentless march towards complete dispossession. Although more than half of the European minority is classified as middle class, the reality of a steady rise in unemployment in this race group, can not be ignored anymore. It shows no sign of abating, or of having reached a plateau that could spell temporary relief for those living close to the dividing line between middle class and extreme poverty. It effectively means that those Afrikaners employed today as artisans, shopkeepers, shop managers mechanics, electricians etc stand a real chance of finding themselves in the near future, on the other side of the divide – unemployed and destitute.
This, is what the ANC had wanted all along. It has proven in its 18 years of dictatorship that it does not believe in a ‘non-racist’, ‘all-inclusive’ South Africa where everybody could be free to pursue life and happiness, without having ever to fear discrimination and hate at the hands of a racist government. The ANC has proven that it is the ‘flip-side’ of the old racist Nationalist government of the Apartheid era. They’ve proven, through their actions, that racist ‘African Nationalism’, is the policy they’ve planned to implement – all along. They are even using variations of the same or similar laws, to reach the same racist goals.
To what end you ask me?
Well, dispossession, marginalization and demonization all lead to one ultimate goal – annihilation; strangling the victim to death, is just as effective as bludgeoning, or hacking the hapless soul to pieces. It is my contention that economic strangulation is sign and a pillar of , an active genocide. ‘Farm Murders’ and ’Home Invasions’: a unique adaptation of genocidal strategy.Despite all these draconian measures by this thug-regime, the European minority has managed to survive – but has done so, at a cost.
Roaming ANC militias target the European community, to speed up the process of redistribution, and those who are seen as wealthy are mercilessly tortured, robbed and killed. They’re not even safe in their own homes. ‘Home invasions’ have become the new dread-word, feared by those in the suburbs, and despite setting up elaborate security systems, Afrikaners are increasingly becoming victims of violent home-invasions. The message is clear: If you don’t want to relinquish your wealth, we will take it by force. Life for rural Afrikaners are even worse. Completely cut off from help or escape, they are at the mercy of roaming gangs – looting, stealing and murdering the food-producers of this country.
The government is turning a blind eye because its land reform program has failed to correct the ‘unfair’ land-ownership problem, despite these farmers feeding all of Southern Africa and providing employment to thousands who would have no income otherwise. Seen in this light the violence and hate experienced by the Afrikaner farmer defines what we believe to be the active phase of this genocide, but – let the pictures speak for themselves. The fallacy of the rich, racist, white capitalist – is brought sharply into focus. Every person watching this will find future ANC communist propaganda difficult to swallow.




Article by : White Nation correspondent- Western Cape Fabruary 04 2014

On the 22 January at noon midday Monique Grobler was walking through the green belt on Rand park drive to fetch her children from school. She was brutally assaulted and stabbed in the leg, she was hit in the side of her face with a brick which resulted in a broken cheek bone, fractured jaw and a split lip and pallet.

Monique has been given a course of arv’s for Hiv because when she came to her pants were ripped and off her body. She has been going to Government hospitals extensively to remove what little teeth she has left over from the attack. Monique is missing 9 teeth from this traumatising ordeal and suffers daily from lack of sleep as well as the pain from her injuries.The effect from taking the arv’s has left her with a very low immune system and is battling to keep any food in. She will still have to under go maxilla surgery and replacement of the missing teeth. Monique has no medical aid and is currently not working.
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Monique’s son Duncan (13) and daughter Vicky (7) are having counselling to help them through this horrific ordeal. Monique has said today that she is happy for this to be made public so that if anything awareness of this attack and where it happened can allow people to be more vigilant of their surroundings and safety.

Farm attack suspect remains in custody

Letsitele - A man accused of being part of a gang of eight who raped two women in Limpopo at the weekend, appeared in the Letsitele Magistrate's Court on Tuesday.
The matter was postponed to 28 January, when he was expected to bring a formal bail application, police spokesperson Hangwani Mulaudzi told a Sapa correspondent.
The accused, 32, who may not be named until he has pleaded, was not asked to plead to charges of rape, armed robbery and possession of an unlicensed firearm, and would remain in police custody.
"The eight men attacked three farms near Letsitele on Saturday midday where they first raped a 32-year-old woman before helping themselves to two rifles, a pistol and R300 in cash," Mulaudzi said.
The attackers then proceeded to another nearby farm.
"At the second farm, three members of the gang raped a 59-year-old Zimbabwean maid," he said.
"[They] proceeded to another farm, where they only managed to steal electrical appliances including DVDs, before disappearing in the bushes on foot," he said.
He said the man was arrested on Monday.
The other seven were still at large.
Mulaudzi urged the public to help the police find them.
"While running away, the suspects dropped some of the stolen goods and the money. Two of the suspects have been identified and their arrest is imminent," he said.

Aanklagte teen Vermeende Plaasmoordenaar Teruggetrek

Aanklagte teen Vermeende Plaasmoordenaar Teruggetrek

plaasmoordeAanklagte teen ‘n vermeende plaasmoordenaar is Donderdag teruggetrek.
Dit is een van drie swart verdagtes wat daarvan beskuldig word dat hulle Sarel Pretorius op die plaas Roodepoort naby Barkly-Oos vermoor het.
‘n Klerk van die hof sê onvoldoende bewyse teen Thandeka Mthiyane (33) het veroorsaak dat die aanklagte teruggetrek is in die landdroshof op Barkly-Oos.
Die saak teen die ander twee beskuldigdes, Bongani Nojokwe (31) en Vumile Dingalibala (28) is tot 13 Februarie uitgestel en die twee sal in polisie-aanhouding bly.
Nojokwe en Dingalibala is in Gauteng vasgetrek na ’n intensiewe ondersoek. Pretorius is twee weke gelede vermoor en sy vrou is in die badkamer toegesluit tydens die aanval.
Mthiyane het saam met die twee verdagtes in die hof verskyn as ’n medepligtige van Gauteng.
Tydens die inhegtenisneming is daar op R74 000 kontant en twee 9 mm-pistole beslag gelê.
Versprei die Nuus - Deel hierdie met u vriende!!

Stop the white genocide in South Africa

Stop the white genocide in South Africa

Stop the white genocide in South Africa [image: Stop the white genocide in South Africa] - petition *Stop genocide of white South Africans* *The white Boer farmers that live in South Africa are being killed simply because of the colour of their skin. It is a near daily occurrence that a white family has to bury a loved one and most of the time it has to be a closed casket ceremony due to the vicious mutilation of the body/bodies.White Boer farmers are attacked, raped, tortured, mutilated and dehumanized for no other reason then the colour of their skin. (A cl... more »