Tuesday, 28 January 2014

Billy Snr Brown

'n Waarskuwing van my aan ons mense... Hierdie verskyn vandag in die koerant:

"Die Vrystaatse hooggeregshof hoor vandag besonderhede aan van hoe 'n groep verregses beplan het om ANC-leiers tydens die party se Mangaung-konferensie in 2012 te vermoor, en gestreef het na selfregering van die boerenasie in Suid-Afrika.

'n Geheime agent is vandag in die getuiebank. Hy het onder meer die Geloftevolk Republikeine, waarvan André Visagie die leier was, geïnfiltreer om besonderhede te bekom oor die sogenaamde Slag van Mangaung. Dié besonderhede het hy sporadies aan die polisie bekendgemaak.

Hy het getuig dat hy en andere 'n eed van Visagie se verregse-groepering moes aflê om hul staatsgreep-doelwitte te ondersteun, waarvogens verraaiers en hul families uitgemoor sou word."


MOENIE jou laat betrek by groepe en organisasies of selfs individue wat allerhande onwettige goed beplan nie! Jy KAN die mense nie vertrou nie! Bly weg van groepies wat allerhande komplotte smee en jou allerhande beloftes laat maak of "geheime" inligting met jou deel! Dit is NIE ons mense nie! Dis hulle werk om jou met jou bas in die tronk te laat beland!

In die afgelope 3 jaar het BAIE bekende "Volksmanne" hul bes probeer om my by die soort van goed te betrek en ek het hulle stil gemaak of weggejaag by my huis! Ek wil nie hul stories hoor nie, want as jy weet of geluister het daarna, is jy wetlik verplig om hulle te verkla. As jy weet van duister planne en stilbly, gaan jy OOK toegesluit word! ...so die beste is om nie eers te weet nie!

Hierdie regering het honderde miljoene rande in 'n fonds om 'n "kamma regse gevaar" te skep en hul agente is slim en listig! BLY WEG!!! Dit gaan jou lewe verwoes!

Sunette Bridges

Ek het vanoggend 3 berigte binne die bestek van 10 minute ontvang van Blanke mense wat deur BARBARE vermoor is die afgelope 48 uur!

Dirkie van der Walt (30) is by Black Rock naby Hotazel deur BARBARE aangeval en met gebreekte bottels doodgesteek.

'n Bejaarde egpaar is by die Sterkspruit hoewes naby Lyndenburg deur BARBARE aangeval, aangerand, vasgebind, lappe is in hul monde gedruk en die Tannie het versmoor.

'n Bejaarde Tannie (61) is in Stromsrivier deur haar tuinjong en sy makker aangeval en vermoor. Hulle het haar liggaam in haar motor gelaai. Polisiebeamptes het die voertuig gesien en as "verdag" beskou. In die jaagtog is die Tannie se liggaam uit die motor gegooi. Hulle het 'n ongeluk gemaak en een van die BARBARE is in die hospitaal... die ander een nog op vrye voet.

Ek het reeds 17 moorde op ons mense opgeteken sedert 1 Januarie... Ek is besig om ongelooflik moerig te raak vir die situasie!!! Sx

South Africa: Black mob attacks, strips white family home bare on West Rand

21 January 2014

This isn't good.

There was a service delivery protest by angry residents (non-Whites) from Princess informal settlement in Roodepoort last Friday. The rioters then turned their attention to the private home of René Scheepers (40). Rocks started flying through her windows as she was putting her three children to bed at around 22H00. 

She contacted her neighbourhood watch who contacted the police so they could get an armoured vehicle (nyala) to save her and her kids:
The rock-pelting attack was so intense that the nyala could not access Scheepers’ property. In the meanwhile she and her children locked themselves in a room.
This is what a nyala looks like:

How on Earth could the nyala NOT get access to the premises for 5 HOURS???? How farking incompetent are the police these days?????

After 5 hours of being under siege, the nyala eventually got access to the house and got the family out. As soon as they were evacuated the rioters went on the rampage in the house, stripping and looting it completely - jewellery, furniture, electric appliances, expensive crockery and even the children’s schoolbags - all stolen.

The rioters meanwhile are warning through the local news media and social media that they are preparing many more violent acts and they have also issued very specific warnings that all the Whites must leave "their suburbs in the Roodepoort region".

The family has moved out.

So, this really isn't good. These Black rioters have seen that they were successful in attacking private property of Whites and that the police were useless in responding to the attack - so you can bet your bottom dollar that this news will spread around the country quicker than a veld fire and pretty soon it'll be the blueprint for all future protests. Just head to the nearest White area, attack the homes, loot and steal in the name of protesting and Bob's your uncle. 

Soon it'll turn to murderous attacks........ 

Farm attacks have stepped up. And now attacks on White people in their homes by marauding Black gangs of "rioters" are starting.

If this isn't another step in the genocide of the Whites in South African, THEN WHAT IS????

This armour-plated window could not withstand the force of the attack on the home

Some of the protesters in Princess township

Residents’ greatest fear came true on the evening of 18 January when rioters turned on private property.

One such resident in South Road, René Scheepers (40) and her three children were getting ready for bed at approximately 10pm when rocks started flying through the windows of the house. She immediately contacted the Witpoortjie Neighbourhood Watch who in turn contacted a nyala (police armoured vehicle) patrolling the area.

The rock-pelting attack was so intense that the nyala could not access Scheepers’ property. In the meanwhile she and her children locked themselves in a room.

Only at approximately 3am on Sunday 19 January the nyala got access to the house and evacuated the family. As soon as they left the protesters went on the rampage in the house stripping it of everything moveable such as jewellery, furniture, electric appliances, expensive crockery and even the children’s schoolbags. Scheepers’ family came the next morning to save what was left.

Scheepers has indicated that out of fear she will not move back to the house. She currently is residing with family.

A lot of questions has been raised about the SAPS and JMPD’s lack of pro-active policing in the ongoing protests.

Murder: Afrikaner woman dies on Sterkspruit smallholdings of suffocation from being gagged by two black male farm attackers

FARMITRACKER - 4 hours ago
Jan 28 2014 Afrikaner woman dies during farm/attack at Sterkspruit smallholdings Lydenburg, suffocated by tight gag, two black male attackers http://steelburgernews.co.za/19208/vrou-dood-versmoor-aan-muilband/ http://www.censorbugbear.org/farmitracker/reports/view/2087 ============ Murder: Jan 28 2014: An Afrikaner woman of Lydenburg died of suffocation from being gagged during a farm-attack on Tuesday-morning January 28 2014. Narda Vermaak reports on LookLocal.Co.ZA on 28 January 2014 that two armed (*black) males broke into a security complex on the Sterkspruit smallholdings after... more

Murder Pretoria female student shot dead in driveway of Newlands Pretoria home: gang followed family from airport

FARMITRACKER - 47 minutes ago
Jan 28 2014 - (Awaiting identification of victim) -- A white Pretoria student was shot dead in the driveway of her home in Newlands, Pretoria: Three blacks followed her, her mother and her friend after she picked up her mother at the airport. When they stopped at the house the black gang grabbed her mother's luggage, jewellery and money. When the unarmed student asked them not to take her mother's passport they shot her dead in cold blood, reports Sunette Bridges. https://www.facebook.com/pages/Sunette-Bridges-News-Page/701279579887792

Murder: A white lady was raped and murdered by two black males and dumped next to the road

FARMITRACKER - 44 minutes ago
An unnamed 61-year-old lady was raped and murdered by her Black gardener and his comrade in Stormsrivier. They dumped her body next to the road. We await identification. https://www.facebook.com/pages/Sunette-Bridges-News-Page/701279579887792

Mark Roothman

Mark Roothman wrote:
3 "MOORDE IN 48 UUR. Dirkie van der Walt (30) is by Black Rock naby Hotazel deur BARBARE aangeval en met gebreekte bottels doodgesteek.

'n Bejaarde egpaar is by die Sterkspruit hoewes naby Lyndenburg deur BARBARE aangeval, aangerand, vasgebind, lappe is in hul monde gedruk en die Tannie het versmoor.

'n Bejaarde Tannie (61) is in Stromsrivier deur haar tuinjong en sy makker aangeva...

28 January 2014 | Daleen Naude

Oumas se karre gesteel

Twee oumas wat na hul kleinkinders se atletiek gaan kyk het, se voertuie is Woensdag in Wilgestraat (langs Hoërskool Kanonop se sportvelde) gesteel.
28 January 2014 | Daleen Naude
Me. Susan Jardine en me. Sondra Schoeman was by die Interhuis atletiekbyeenkoms wat Laerskool Kanonkop op Hoërskool Kanonkop se sportvelde aangebied het.
Beide het op die sypaadjie aan die buitekant van die skool, waar hordes ander voertuie ook geparkeer was, gestop.
•"Ek het net gou skooltoe gegaan om te gaan kyk en was sowat 45 minute by die sportbyeenkoms.
Toe ek terugkom, was my kar weg!" het sy vies gesê. Dit is 'n maroen Toyota Camry (registrasienommer DKB074MP).,
•Me. Schoeman sê haar voertuig, 'n wit Honda Ballade (FKD158) het omstreeks 11:45 nog op sy plek gestaan toe sy saam met haar kinders opgestap het na hul voertuig.
Met haar terugkeer om 14:15, was dit skoonveld.
Sy is van mening dat die skole betroubare karwagte moet reël tydens sportbyeenkomste.
"Die mense sal nie omgee om vir hulle fooitjies te gee nie!"
•Polisiewoordvoerder kapt. Khanyisile Zwane sê dat kardiewe hulle die afgelope paar dae toespits op ouer model voertuie.
Die polisie doen 'n beroep op mense om hul sekuriteitstelsels in hul voertuie op te gradeer met byvoorbeeld ratslotte.

Afrikaner Dirkie van der Walt

Murder: Afrikaner Dirkie van der Walt 30, stabbed to death with broken bottles by frenzied mob, Black Rock Hotazel Nc

FARMITRACKER - 31 minutes ago
Jan 28 2014 - Black Rock Hotazel North Cape - Dirkie van der Walt, 30, was stabbed to death with broken bottles by a black mob in Black Rock (Manganese Mining compound), Hotazel, North Cape -- (no robbery motive reported) -- black-raicst hatecrime - (report by Annina Lamprecht Nel (SAPS explosives section) - and friend Gawie Maritz: who writes: " Sunette I know the man. He is Dirkie van der Walt. They went to offload liquor at the bottle-store about 20 metres away from the house. When he went outside to fetch the drinks he was attacked with bottles and stabbed. Contact: Black Rock s... more »