Friday, 28 February 2014

Boere Krisis Aksie (B.K.A.)

Mystery death: Afrikaner Neels Strydom 32 reported missing 22 feb 2014 Elsburg OB 1897/02/2014. Neels resided in Gannet Street Elsburg & was on foot when he left on the 22 February at 3.30 Pm . A withdrawal was made from his bank account. . It is with deep regret that we extend our sympathy to the family and friends of Neels who was found deceased. Missing people of South Africa Pink Ladies - (#who often seem to hide apparent crime-related deaths from members of the public in this manner). ---

Sunette Bridges News Page

Profielfoto ter ondersteuning van die Red October Veldtog op 21 Maart 2014! Sx

Saturday, 22 February 2014

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Vriende van Red October Potties bied aan sy 2de Event. Hierdie Jaar 21 Maart 2014, Grotter, Better as ooit.

Ons gaan hierdie jaar konsentreer op die Slagoffers. Hulle is nie net Statistieke nie, Hierdie Mense het Name gehad.

Ons gaan 'n Gedenk Diens ly vir al die naasbestaandes van hierdie slagoffers. Daarna gaan ons 'n WIT kers aansteek en ons kruise neerle om ons Helde te vereer.

Na afloop van die Diens sal die Braaivleis Vure gereed wees en word n die publiek genooi om 'n vleisie te kom braai. Bring asseblief jul eie borde en eetgerei. Pap en Sous sal voorsien word.

Saam sal ons Staan vir Volk en Vaderland, Saam se ons die stryd aan om te se GENOEG IS GENOEG. Ons gaan nie meer stilbly oor Volksmoord nie, Ons gaan nie meer stilbly oor Haatspraak teenoor rasse nie. As God vir ons is, Wie kan dan teen ons wees?

Banner, 'n WIT Kruis gemaak met (Polistrien) met 'n naam van 'n slagoffer of geliefde daarop, bring 'n Wit kers saam wat ons kan brand vir hierdie slagoffers tydens die gedenk diens.

Trek asseblief 'n WIT T-shirt aan of WIT Hemp. Gemaklike skoene, stoel om op te sit tydens die Diens.

Hou ons blad dop POTTIES GENOEG IS GENOEG vir verdere details van die Event. Sien julle almal daar.

GROETE : KC Kontak nommer 0734573510

Antonie Horn

So skryf 'n jong meisie van Bloemfontein! - UITSTEKEND!!!!!

Ek wil graag vir ons bekende eerwaarde Desmond Tutu sê, wat voorstel dat ons blankes (wittes) welvaartsbelasting moet betaal, en ook wil ek vir jeugleier Julius Malema sê, wat beweer dat daar 'n blanke (wit) besigheidsmonopolie in onse land is, dat hulle dit heeltemal agterstevoor en onderstebo het, want:

Ons GEE, ons sorg, ons voorsien, ons deel uit, ons kook sop, ons bak brood, ons maak ons klerekaste leeg, ons "tip" vir die stoot van 'n trollie by die winkel met twee items in, ons "tip" vir ons kar se oppas, ons "tip" vir ons kar se was, ons "tip" die bedelaars by die robotte - wat hul eie landgenote nie eers doen nie. Ons betaal vir uitgebreide familielede se begrafnisse tot in die derde geslag, ons betaal skoolgeld en boekegeld vir kinders, neefs, niggies. Ons laat ons huishoudsters leer, ons brei truie, musse, handskoene, ons koop komberse, ons gee klasse in papiere optel, kook, brei, hekel, kleremaak, spit, boer, plant, koeie melk. Ons GEE. Ons koop oorpakke, koop verjaarsdagkoeke, koop pille, betaal die taxi, gee ons kosbare padkos langs die pad weg en sweeties deur kar- en treinvensters. Ons GEE. Ons skep werk, ons kry jammer, ons bid, ons tel babas in asblikke op en maak hulle groot, ons gee kerspartytjies in kleuterskole in plakkerskampe, ons laat opereer, ons gee ons harte, lewers, niere, longe en tonge. Ons GEE. Ons is nie rassisties nie, ons is nie wraakgierig nie, ons bly steeds hier in ons land, ons maak skoon, ry aan, laai af, tel op. Ons troos, verduidelik, ons bly kalm, staan in lang rye en glimlag, en laat die een met die krukke eerste gaan. Ons GEE.... Het ek al gesê, ons GEE. So, ek dink, iewers tussen êrens en nêrens het julle die kat aan die stert beet, en het julle alles agterstevoor en onderstebo.

ENIELEDAM NAMUH (Agterstevoor vir Madeleine Human)

Sunday, 16 February 2014

Sunette Bridges News Page

Sy naam was nie Statistiek of Persentasie nie, sy naam was Jaap van Zyl
Sy was nie net ‘n nommer nie, haar naam was Ans Vercuiel
Hy was ‘n Pa, ‘n Man ‘n Vriend en sy was Gert se Vrou
Maar volgens Stats Suid-Afrika moet ons ‘n bruggie bou
Ons moordsyfers te laag vir kla, ons huise is mos luuks
En more moor hul nog ‘n Pa en versteek dit agter truuks
Op telrame en Excel sheets en slim verdraaide woorde
Die vraag wat NIEMAND atwoord nie is: “WIE pleeg hierdie moorde!”

Hy was nie in ‘n kroeg, betrokke in ‘n vuisgeveg
Sy was nie laat die aand in Proesstraat of Mandelaweg
Hy was tevrede tuis en op sy skoot sy kinders
Sy was in die tuin, die grond nog aan haar vingers.
Hy was nie doodgeskiet nie – gemartel en verag
Vir haar was dood ‘n panga, maar eers is sy verkrag.
Sy bloed sit teen die mure en hare vlek die grond
Maar op die staat se spreadsheets is al die syfers rond.

Dis “Kill the Boer, the Farmer” en wittes moet hier weg
Die Haatspraak wat hul pleeg is hul geboortereg
Ons teken maar die name op, die lys word al hoe langer
Ons bou ons mure ses voet hoog en word net al hoe banger
Die slimmes noem ons paranoid, die stats is aan ons kant
En ons moet ook mos offers bring aan die vervloekte land.
Maar steeds wil niemand antwoord nie en struikel oor hul woorde
En tergend bly die vraag steeds hang: “Wie pleeg hierdie moorde!”

Saturday, 15 February 2014

Whitey Whitepaper


A lot of people has their personal info on their page, the hackers are looking more for photos because with the new smartphones and cameras the photo is tagged with the GPS coordinates of where the photo was taken, so if you have photos of your house or photo's of kids or pets they will know imediately where you live, so be sure that you can expect a visit from some unsavoury character, switch off GPS tracking on your phone when taking pics.-Admin

Andy Willi Dezius

Andy Willi Dezius
Dagse vriende,
Moenie vergeet van ons afspraak vannaand 7 uur nie.Beslis gaan ons weer gesels oor als.Kom luister en gesels saam met ons, al die dinge in die land raak jou ook.

Net vir Rekenaar: (Speel op Media-Player of VLC Speler)

Net vir BB en I phone en Nokia Radio:;listen.mp3/home

Kan ook op die web-werf luister by: Eendrag


Naandse al my vriende,
Graag wil ek asb julle eerlike mening op die volgende he.

Baie van julle weet dat ek laasjaar betrokke was as DJ by Radio Vryheid.Ek is egter weg laas jaar Augustus en het toe Radio Eendrag begin.Ek is vandag genader om weer by radio Vryheid 'n Dj te wees, om die nuus te doen en ook musiekmandjie daar aan te bied teen vergoeding.Tans is daar geen inkomste uit radio Eendrag nie en doen ek dit uit my hart, maar het tog uitgawes op die Stasie wat elke maand gedek moet word al is dit nie so hoog nie.Die slegte nuus is egter dat indien ek dit sou aanvaar ek Radio Eendrag moet toemaak, dis die voorwaarde.Radio eendrag is egter deel van my lewe en ons het hard gewerk om hom tot op die punt te kry.Ons het lojale luisteraars wat bankvas agter ons staan en gereeld inskakel.Verder sal dit dan ook gebeur dat die boere program Saterdae heeltemal wegval en nie meer uitgesaai sal word nie.Op Radio Vryheid sal ek die nuus gegee word wat ek moet aanbied en mag geen programme soos ons boereprogram aanbied nie, ook mag ek nie meer my opinie gee oor die lug nie.

Ek moet teen more aand vir Radio Vryheid 'n antwoord gee rondom die aanbieding, maar daardie antwoord gaan van julle die luisteraars afhang.Ek wil nie graag radio eendrag sluit nie want dis deel van ons lewe, waar ons oor alles kan gesels, lag ,huil en soos 'n famiklie kuier.Dit sal ook meebring dat die webwerf en Fb blad sluit.

Nou my vriende wil ek van julle af hoor hoe voel julle daaroor.

Moet ek die aanbieding aanvaar en radio eendrag sluit OF gaan ons aan soos ons nou aangaan op ons eie Radio stasie?

Julle as my vriende en luisteraars se antwoorde hierop sal op die ou end die besluit neem.Antwoord asb eerlik hoe jy voel.

Dj Uiltjie

The BBC wrote a report asking: “Do white people have a future in South Africa?”

BBC discovers White Genocide in South Africa

The BBC wrote a report asking: “Do white people have a future in South Africa?”
Working-class white people, most of them Afrikaans-speakers, are going through an intense crisis. But you will not read about it in the newspapers or see it reported on television…
Do white people have a future in South Africa?
BBC World Affairs Editor John Simpson examines the challenges facing white South Africans.
The report generally takes a liberal ‘all whites are complicit in South Africa’s misery’ tack, and sandwiches various incontrovertible facts about whites in South Africa between such language.
With those bits excised, we get:
  • The people who are suffering now are the weakest and most vulnerable members of the white community.
  • Ernst Roets, a leading Afrikaans campaigner from the AfriForum organisation, took me to a squatter camp outside the country’s capital, Pretoria. A white squatter camp.
  • It has been set up on the property of a sympathetic white farmer and is called, optimistically, Sonskyn Hoekie – Sunshine Corner.
  • There are broken-down cars and bits of discarded furniture everywhere. Beyond the wooden shacks lie ditches and pools of dirty, stagnant water where mosquitoes breed. Two basic toilets serve the whole camp.
  • According to Roets there are 80 white squatter camps – many of them bigger than this – in the Pretoria area alone. Across South Africa as a whole he believes there could be as many as 400,000 poor whites in conditions like these.
  • Sonskyn Hoekie has no water and no electricity. The inhabitants live on two hand-out meals of maize porridge a day, which is provided by local volunteers. There is no social security for them, no lifeline…
  • Semi-skilled white people have little chance of getting a job when so many black South Africans are unemployed.
In an article last year in FrontPage, Dan Greenfield writes:
Black Economic Empowerment (BEE) policies, the South African version of Affirmative Action, have closed job markets to white South Africans. Racial benchmarks have been incorporated into private industry and government service. As a result, Black South Africans with a higher education are 34% more likely to find a job than white South Africans with that same level of education. And even that education is becoming hard to come by as white students with excellent grades are being shut out of higher education and given few options besides a refugee camp or immigration to one of the few countries that will have them.
Towards the end of the BBC article, the writer acknowledges the post-apartheid genocide of whites in the country:
  • There is another group of white Afrikaners, far higher up the social scale, who are deeply threatened – in this case, literally. Virtually every week the press here report the murders of white farmers, though you will not hear much about it in the media outside South Africa.
  • In South Africa you are twice as likely to be murdered if you are a white farmer than if you are a police officer – and the police here have a particularly dangerous life. The killings of farmers are often particularly brutal.
  • Ernst Roets’s organisation has published the names of more than 2,000 people who have died over the last two decades. The government has so far been unwilling to make solving and preventing these murders a priority.
2,000 targeted, murdered whites (murdered at four times the rate of rural black South Africans) is a low-ball figure. To see the horrific nature of these attacks, see here [Warning: graphic photos].
Meanwhile, these persecuted white families, many of whose lineage in South Africa goes back to the 1600s, are regularly being denied political asylum in western countries. And what sorts of Western voices are chiming in on the issue?
  • …Professor Mark Behr, of Rhodes College, in Memphis, Tennessee, and Dr Dennis Laumann, of the University of Memphis, have rejected requests that they help the family.
  • I am not interested in assisting Afrikaners claiming discrimination in a non-racial, democratic, post-apartheid South Africa,” wrote Laumann.
  • In my scholarly opinion, there is absolutely no basis for their allegation – whatever evidence they may present.
  • Behr – who is an award-winning South African author – said he did not believe the law firm would find “any fair-minded scholar” to support the family.
Maybe if, on their immigration request forms, the white families said they were Muslim or non-white, they would improve their chances for successful asylum.
NOTE: Behr teaches courses in Fiction Writing, Post-Colonial Literature, Queer and Gender Theory, African Literature, Literature and War, and Contemporary World Literature.
One can safely guess what his politics are.
In the FrontPage piece, Dan Greenfield writes:
Dr. Stanton of Genocide Watch, a respected human rights organization, has stated that the white population of South Africa is now in the sixth of the center’s eight stages of genocide. That sixth stage is defined as “Preparation.”
“Victims are identified and separated out because of their ethnic or religious identity. Death lists are drawn up. Members of victim groups are forced to wear identifying symbols. Their property is expropriated. They are often segregated into ghettoes, deported into concentration camps, or confined to a famine-struck region and starved. At this stage, a Genocide Emergency must be declared.”
The next stage after “Preparation” is “Extermination”.

Just A Few Recent White Victims of SA Genocide


Whites In South Africa Are Being Murdered Like Flies By Blacks

Hundreds of White Men, Woman and Children have died just over the past twelve months and hundreds maybe thousands will die this year at the hands of Black Genocide Soldiers in South Africa. Will this be the year that the world wakes up and takes note of the genocide or will the good people still ignore it, and allow the world leaders to continue keeping it the best kept secret of the 21st Century.
Adele Sutton01
Adele Sutton
South African White Genocide Victim: Adele Sutton was shot dead in cold blood on Saturday by a gang of black men who were robbing an Engen fuel station (Gas Station). She was in her car and was shot through the windscreen. They fled with only her cellphone…
stephan joubert01
Stephen Joubert
South African White Genocide Victim: Stephen Joubert was attacked on a South African farm in the Northwest province by 3 black men. He was repeatedly beaten with a garden shovel all over his body and both his legs were broken in the attack.
Sarel Pretorius01
Sarel Pretorius
South African White Genocide Victim: Sarel Pretorius (61) was shot dead on his farm in Barkly-East on Tuesday by 2 black men. His wife was assaulted and tied up after being robbed. The attackers fled in a vehicle they had stolen hours before in another attack in the area. The vehicle has been found, but no suspects have been arrested.
Mike De Beer01
Mike De Beer
South African White Genocide Victim: Mike de Beer (89) was gunned down at his home in Moreleta Park, Pretoria yesterday morning, making him the 13th victim of Black-on-White murders in South Africa this month! 7 of these victims were older than 60 years of age.
Bazil Botha
Bazil Botha
South African White Genocide Victim: Bazil Botha was gunned down by a gang of Black attackers at his home in Welverdiend on Friday night. He leaves behind his wife Lorraine and a beautiful little baby daughter
Charlotte Kruger
Charlotte Kruger
South African White Genocide Victim: Japie (70) and Charlotte Kruger (66) were attacked in their home by 2 Black men, in a security complex in Lydenburg in the early hours of yesterday morning. They were both assaulted, tied up and gagged. Charlotte died of suffocation from the pieces of cloth that was stuffed down her throat. The attackers fled with a television. Charlotte is the 18th White South African to be murdered by black attackers in the first 28 days of this year. Gangs of black men have murdered 14 men and 4 women. 10 of these victims were older than 60.
Tom Benecke
Tom Benecke
South African White Genocide Victim: Tom Benecke (66) was abducted on Friday 24 January by 3 black men. His abandoned car was found at a taxi rank in Bekkersdal on Tuesday. The 3 suspects were arrested on Wednesday and his body was discovered in a mine shaft early this morning.
Marie Prinsloo
Marie Prinsloo
South African White Genocide Victim: Mari Prinsloo (74) was attacked and brutally assaulted in her home in Vredefort in the Free State in the early hours of this morning by a gang of black men.
The people above are just some of the most recent genocide victims in South Africa. I have tried to stay away from pubishing too many of these reports but my heart is heavy with the horror of these and hundreds of recent white people and mostly Christian folk in South Africa being murdered like flies in South Africa. I just cannot ignore this Genocide, I hope that those of you reading this for the first time will take note of what is currently going on in South Africa. The worst crimes against humanity is being hidden by the current world leaders, they all know about this, yet for some reason they are not talking about it or even acting against it. All ordinary citizens can do to help these people is talk about their genocide and just maybe if enough people start talking about it the world leaders will end their silence.

Whites never Stole Land from Black South Africans

Whites never Stole Land from Black South Africans

June 5 2013 – Historic documents show that the Black Population in South Africa has thrived over the past 100 years. Its black population increased by an astonishing 920% since 1913, mainly thanks to the lavish food supplies produced by ‘white’ farmers and the socio-economic-medical benefits of Western infrastructure.
Meanwhile its white population remained stagnant: in 1913 there were 1,2million whites and 100 years later, there are an estimated 3,4million whites. At least 1million ‘whites’ have already fled since the start of black rule in 1994: an estimated 70,000 whites have already been killed by black-racist murder gangs, amongst them at least 4,000 white ( mostly Boer Afrikaans-speaking) farmers and family-members.
Above: Today, the handful of remaining white South African farmers (Boers, Afrikaners) who still produce excess food are under constant siege: this growing monument near Pietersburg represents the more than 4,000 white farmers and family members who have already been murdered, often cruelly tortured to death, under black rule since 1994. The ANC-regime’s constant propaganda stream blaming ‘whites’ for ‘landthefts’ contribute greatly to these hatecrimes, top genocide-experts believe. (
The fact that the ANC’s propaganda-campaign is founded on gross historical inaccuracies was revealed this week in a research document from the oldest agricultural union in South Africa –  which has documentation dating from 1897.
The Transvaal Agricultural Union report, titled “Whose Land is it Anyway,” was published to counter the growing hatespeech propaganda from the ruling African National Congress party of South Africa.
  • There is a growing antigonistic wave of propaganda from the ruling party leading up to the centenary of the 1913 Land Act in South Africa – which however has nothing to do with ‘apartheid’ at all.
The Transvaal Agricultural Union report warns that black supremacists and their supporters quite falsely continue to claim however that this British 1913 Land Act was a “cornerstone of apartheid” and that it represented the “land theft” from the black-African people in South Africa.
  • The TAU report warns that the ANC claims are inaccurate when they state that ” whites ‘stole’ land from ‘ indigenous blacks and that this  ‘theft’was legally ratified by the 1913 and 1936 Land Acts which divided up the land and codified these divisions.” 

Blacks didn’t have Land Tenure laws as Westerners understand them: TAU report:

In reality, “whites who came to South Africa in 1652 and thereafter,  found a land devoid of basic development and infrastructure, sparsely populated by meandering tribes who had no written word and whose way of life was the absolute antithesis of Western mores.
“It is now acknowledged that the Khoi-San groups, and their sub-groups, are the indigenous peoples of South Africa.
“Whites and black African groups arrived in various parts of the country around the same time. They met at the Fish River in the Eastern Cape, and wars followed.”

The TAU also pointed out that prior to the arrival of the whites, blacks did not have any concept of land ownership or even writing. “Man in his primitive state did not know the concept of ‘land tenure,’” the report continued.
“When hunter/gatherer groups formed, the first land tenure (if it can be called that) was by nature communal. Before the arrival of the European in South Africa with his tradition of individual land ownership, communal tenure in Africa was the norm.
  • “The territory inhabited and/or cultivated by a particular ethnic group was owned and/or utilized by the tribe in the name of their king or chief. Because there was no written word among these peoples, Christian missionaries took it upon themselves to learn and then write and codify the languages of the black people to whom they were ministering. They then taught these people to read and write their own language.”

A great migration of black people from Great Lakes region southwards…

“It is known that a great migration of black people took place from the Great Lakes region southwards, eventually reaching Southern Africa.  Numerous reports exist as to which tribe went exactly where. But these reports are not the historical property of the black peoples.
  • “Thus their claims to land in South Africa have no empirical foundation. They are based on oral history and folklore, and what was observed by early European travelers and missionaries, by the British colonial presence in the country, by Boer trekkers and administrators.
“If your history is written by others, with what can you contest this history? However, the early settled areas of the black people were later generally recognized as their core areas.”
“From the very beginning of settlement, black and white were segregated. South African history is replete with clashes over land ‘ownership’. There were no title deeds, no courts to decide who owned what. Proclamations and annexations were followed by wars, clashes,  agreements and disagreements, theft of livestock, sloppy boundaries and arguments over the measurement and surveying of land; borders were drawn and re-drawn; people moved all over the place and a completely differing approach to farming by both groups existed.
  • “In the black community, land was communal and the product of their agricultural activities was mainly for their own consumption. This was subsistence farming, and it persists in today’s South Africa.
“ Soon after the formation of the Union of South Africa in 1910 under British Colonial rule, it was deemed imperative to settle the land question once and for all. That government (ruled from London under the British Crown) believed that if land could not be partitioned and allocated within the ambit of a Western title deed system, the very future of South Africa would be put at risk.
“The most immediate problem was food production for a burgeoning population. (It was obvious to the British then that blacks could not produce food for surplus, and to this day this is still the case).
  • “The core reason for the 1913 Land Act’s passing was the security of the whites, and particularly the farmers, to give them the necessary security of tenure on their farms to produce the food for what was still a country under the British flag, controlled essentially from London. Gold and diamonds had been discovered, and Britain was not going to give up this new jewel in the Crown.
“Antagonists of the 1913 Act and indeed the 1936 Act should look to Britain for redress. These pieces of legislation were not apartheid Acts—they were devised in South Africa under a government controlled by Britain.

In 1913, there were only 4million blacks in South Africa

“The current population of South Africa according to Stats SA is 52,98million. The 2012 yearbook of the SA Institute of Race Relations noted that in 1911, the SA population comprised of 4m blacks; 1,2m whites; 525,466 coloureds and 152,094 imported Indians.
  • “The percentages were white: 21% and black: 67%. One hundred years later, the percentage population increase of blacks was 920%.

Land is a political tool in South Africa – it is not seen as a resource for excess food-production:

“But land in South Africa is a political tool. It is wielded without thought for the morrow. It is proffered within the context of a cultural more that has no place in today’s practical world.
  • The issue of division of land under the 1913 Land Act is a blunt weapon used to garner votes by the present SA government to seduce naïve and mostly uneducated followers who cannot feed themselves but who are asked to look upon those who can feed them as ogres who stole their land.
”Recent statistics published by the SA Institute of Race Relations state there were 1, 337,400 ‘units’ of food production in South Africa.
  • Of these land sites, 1,256,000 are( black) subsistence farmers; and 35,000 communal area farmers who have turnovers of less than R300,000 per year;
  • 24,000 small commercial units have turnovers of less than R300,000 per year, and
  • only 22,400 commercial units have turnovers of more than R300,000 per year.“

Only 6 percent of farmers in South Africa produce 95% of all the food for 53-million people…

This means that only 6 percent of farmers in South Africa produce 95 percent of the food for 53 million people.
The report points out that leftist “harping” on the “inequities of the 1913 Land Act are completely at variance with the facts as they existed in the first ten years of the twentieth century.
“Government (and many organizations with strange agendas) continues to harp on the perceived unfairness and injustice of the divisions of land set out in the 1913 Land Act without taking into account South Africa’s pre-1913 recorded history and, importantly, the population of the country at the time.”

Antonie Horn

NUUS NUUS NUUS!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Hier is hy die eerste Elektroniese AWB koerant "Sweepslag"
Jy kan hom ook lees op enige van die 3 AWB webwerwe,, en onder die kategorie Sweepslag koerant.
Jy kan ook op die skakel hieronder klik en hy sal aflaai na jou rekenaar en dan kan jy hom lees.

Ek sal graag ook wil hoor wat julle van hom dink en voorstelle om hom te verbeter.Hy is tans in die WORD formaat,maar ons werk aan die PDF formaat.

South Africa – Genocidal Slaughterhouse

South Africa – Genocidal Slaughterhouse

Yasir Habib Khan
SOUTH AFRICA is fast-becoming a living slaughter house (butchery) for White People, as around 75,000 White-descent people mostly in urban areas — have been MURDERED since 1994, a period when apartheid breathed last and democracy dawned in South Africa.
[Ex-South African (now Australia) reports on this atrocious story.]
According to statistics, the White population which stands at approximately 4.6 million (9% minority race) is suffering the worst White genocide in comparison to other parts of the world.
There are 40,000 mostly White commercial farmers in South Africa. Since 1994, over 4,000 farmers and family members have been murdered in thousands of farm attacks, with many being brutally tortured and/or raped. Some victims have been burned with smoothing irons or had boiling water poured down their throats.
[ONE of thousands of farm murders: South African Killing Fields]
Compare that to the 7,518 Black people that were murdered by the Apartheid government, which comes to a percentage of 0.02% of the Black population. The murder ratio of White people is reaching at an alarming stage
So much so, White bloodshed runs amok in government protection. The ANC (African National Congress) government has promoted hate speech that constitutes “incitement to genocide.”
The Ex-President of the ANC Youth League, Julius Malema, revived the “Kill the Boer (white), Kill the Farmer” hate-song at ANC rallies, until it was declared to be hate speech by a South African judge, and Malema was enjoined from singing it.

Convicted TERRORIST, Nelson Mandela
For other reasons, Malema was later removed as ANCYL President. His followers continue to sing the hate song, and the Deputy President of the ANCYL has called for “war,” against “White settlers.”
CAPE TOWN/SOUTH AFRICA, 10JUN2009 -Jacob Zuma,...
Jacob Zuma, President of South Africa at the Opening Plenary on Africa and the New Global Economy at the World Economic Forum on Africa 2009
After the judge’s injunction to halt singing of the hate song, even the President of South Africa, ANC leader Jacob Zuma, himself, began to sing the “Shoot the Boer” song.
Since Zuma began to sing the hate song on 12 January 2012, murders of White farmers increased every month through April 2012, the last month for which there are confirmed figures.
There is thus strong circumstantial evidence of government support for the campaign of forced displacement and atrocities against White farmers and their families.
Tony Grieg, chairman of Genocide Watch, told The South Africa News “It is true that White people still riding high. They run the economy. They have a disproportionate amount of influence in politics and the media. They still have the best houses and most of the best jobs. All of this is true but it is not the only picture.
Working-class White people, most of them Afrikaans-speakers, are going through an intense crisis. But people will not read about it in the newspapers, nor see it reported on television because their plight seems to be something arising out of South Africa’s bad old past – a past which everyone, Black and White, would like to forget.
According to one leading political activist, Mandla Nyaqela, this is the after-effect (revenge?) of the huge degree of “selfishness and brutality” which was shown towards the Black population under apartheid. “It is having its effect on Whites today, even though they still own a share of South Africa’s wealth which is entirely disproportionate,” he said.
Ernst Roets, a leading Afrikaans campaigner from the AfriForum organisation, visited a White squatter camp outside the country’s capital, Pretoria.
It has been set up on the property of a sympathetic White farmer and is called, optimistically, Sonskyn Hoekie – Sunshine Corner. There are broken-down cars and bits of discarded furniture everywhere. Beyond the wooden shacks lie ditches and pools of dirty, stagnant water where mosquitoes breed. Two (2) basic toilets serve the whole camp.
[Editor's Note:  Considering our own OVER-generous welfare states in North America and Europe, many readers may be shocked to learn that South Africa DENIES welfare benefits to White citizens of that country. But it gets worse. As a result of South Africa's legally-approved "affirmative action" laws, WHITE South Africans -- despite their 9% racial-minority status -- are the very people being discriminated against when they seek employment.
Sonia Hruska (a former Mandela supporter) says: "As a business owner, I can get 25 years in jail time if I employ a White person, for instance. It is totally ridiculous; you cannot have imagined that affirmative-action could have gone so far”
So there you have it ... White citizens -- whose own ancestors designed, built, and then successfully governed a modern 1st world nation up to 1994 when the Blacks were handed a prosperous and well-run nation -- are now denied the means to support themselves through race-discriminating laws, followed by official refusal of government welfare benefits to help house and feed their now destitute families.
But you won't read of their plight in Western newspapers.
 However -- and I've used this comparison before because it's so apt -- you'll more likely read about a heavily-armed Israeli soldier stubbing his toe while chasing down some rock-throwing, 12 year old Palestinian kid before you read any news that paints the Black-run South African gov't in a bad light.
For comparison, read about this news story of a Black Haitian immigrant/refugee? in the United States who has no job, yet possesses 3 EBT (welfare card$), drives a 2006 Cadillac car for which she was arrested for drunk driving, and accuses American cops as "racists".  An editorial opinion piece of this story HERE. ]
According to Roets there are 80 White squatter-camps – many of them bigger than this – just in the Pretoria area alone. Across South Africa as a whole, he believes there could be as many as 400,000 poor Whites living in conditions like these.
Sonskyn Hoekie has no water and no electricity. The inhabitants live on two hand-out meals of maize porridge a day, which is provided by local volunteers. There is no social security for them, no lifeline – any more than there was for non-whites when apartheid ruled.
Ernst Roets’s organisation has published the names of more than 2,000 people who have died over the last two decades. The government has so far been unwilling to make solving and preventing these murders … a priority.
I went to a little town called Geluik – happiness.  A few weeks ago gunmen burst into the farm shop there and opened fire, killing one farmer outright and wounding one of his sons and a shop worker.
They stole next to nothing. It seemed to be a deliberate, targeted killing. Soon afterwards … the son also died of his wounds.
Belinda van Nord, the daughter and sister of the men who died, told me how dangerous the lives of White people in the countryside have become. The police, she said, had seemed to show little interest in this case.
[Norwegian foreign student almost stabbed to death ... story HERE.]
In the little graveyard where her father and brother are now buried there are two other graves of farmers recently murdered.
The wonderful landscape which surrounds it has become a killing ground. There used to be 60,000 White farmers in South Africa.  In only 20 years that number has been halved.   >Source
For updated news on South Africa:

Also Read:

South Africa Facing White Genocide, Total Communist Takeover

Saturday, 04 August 2012 14:00

South Africa Facing White Genocide, Total Communist Takeover 

 While most of the world refuses to acknowledge what is happening in largely communist-controlled South Africa, the non-profit group Genocide Watch declared last month that preparations for genocidal atrocities against white South African farmers were underway and that the early phases of genocide had possibly already begun. In the long run, Genocide Watch chief Dr. Gregory Stanton explained, powerful communist forces also hope to abolish private-property ownership and crush all potential resistance.

According to experts and official figures, at least 3,000 white farmers in South Africa, known as Boers, have been brutally massacred over the last decade. Many more, including children and even infants, have also been raped or tortured so savagely that mere words could not possibly convey the horror. And the problem is growing worse, international human rights monitors and South African exiles say. 

The South African government, dominated by the communist-backed African National Congress (ANC), has responded to the surging wave of racist murders by denying the phenomenon, implausibly claiming that many of the attacks are simply regular crimes. Despite fierce criticism, authorities also stopped tracking statistics that would provide a more accurate picture of what is truly going on in the so-called “Rainbow Nation.”

In many cases, the murders are simply classified as “burglaries” and ignored, so the true murder figures are certainly much higher than officials admit. The police, meanwhile, are often involved in the murders or at least the cover-ups, multiple sources report. A white South African exile living in the United States told The New American that when victims are able to defend themselves or apprehend the would-be perpetrators, many of the perpetrators are found to be affiliated with the ruling ANC or its youth wing.  

Experts are not buying the government’s cover-up. "The farm murders, we have become convinced, are not accidental," said Dr. Stanton of Genocide Watch during a fact-finding mission to South Africa last month. It was very clear that the massacres were not common crimes, he added — especially because of the absolute barbarity used against the victims. "We don't know exactly who is planning them yet, but what we are calling for is an international investigation that will try and determine who is planning these murders."

Indeed, most honest analysts concede that the thousands of brutal killings and tens of thousands of attacks are part of a broader pattern. And according to Dr. Stanton, who was also involved in the anti-Apartheid movement in South Africa and has decades of experience examining genocide and communist terror, the trend points toward a troubled future for the nation.

“Things of this sort are what I have seen before in other genocides,” he said of the murdered white farmers, pointing to several examples including a victim’s body that was left with an open Bible on top and other murder victims who were tortured, disemboweled, raped, or worse. “This is what has happened in Burundi, it’s what happened in Rwanda. It has happened in many other places in the world.”  

Speaking in Pretoria at an event organized by the anti-communist Transvaal Agricultural Union, Dr. Stanton also slammed the effort to dehumanize whites in South Africa by portraying them as “settlers.” The label is meant to paint Afrikaner white farmers — descendants of Northern Europeans who arrived centuries ago — as people who do not belong there.

It is the same process that happened prior to the infamous genocide against Christian Armenians in Turkey, Stanton explained. The dehumanization phenomenon also occurred against the Jewish people in Germany under the National Socialist (Nazi) regime of mass-murderer Adolf Hitler, well before the Nazi tyrant began implementing his monstrous “final solution.”

Unfortunately, South Africa might be next in line, experts believe. "Whenever you have that kind of dehumanization ... you have the beginning of that downward spiral into genocide," Stanton noted, adding that the situation in South Africa had already moved beyond that stage. The next phase before extermination, which began years ago in South Africa, is organizing to actually carry it out.

"We are worried that there are organized groups that are in fact doing that planning," Stanton continued during his speech. "It became clear to us that the [ANC] Youth League was this kind of organization — it was planning this kind of genocidal massacre and also the forced displacement of whites from South Africa."

Genocide Watch raised its alert level for South Africa from stage five to stage six — the eighth and final stage is denial after the fact — when then-ANC Youth League boss Julius Malema began openly singing a racist song aimed at inciting murder against white South African farmers: "Shoot the Boer" and “Kill the Boer.” Described by the anti-genocide group as a “racist Marxist-Leninist,” Malema has also been quoted as saying that “all whites are criminals” and threatening to steal white farmers’ land by force.

After the calls to genocide made international headlines, the South African Supreme Court ruled that the song advocating murder of whites was unlawful hate speech. Incredibly, the President of South Africa, ANC’s Jacob Zuma, then began singing it early this year too. Since then, the number of murdered white South African farmers has been growing each month, according to reports. Other senior government officials, meanwhile, have openly called for “war.”

"This is the kind of talk that of course is not only pre-genocidal, it also comes before crimes against humanity," Dr. Stanton said, urging everyone to remember that they are all members of the human race. "Those who would be deniers, and who would try to ignore the warning signs in this country, I think are ignoring the facts."   

There is also increasing “polarization,” where the target population — white farmers in this case — and even moderates are portrayed as an “enemy,” Stanton explained about the march to genocide. And that phenomenon is ever-more apparent in South Africa, leading Genocide Watch to classify South Africa as being close to the final stages of genocide in July of this year. 

The issue of land distribution, which has become one of the key drivers of the downward spiral, is also among the greatest concerns. The white minority in South Africa still owns much of the land despite ANC promises to redistribute it to blacks. But the re-distribution that has occurred — like in neighboring Zimbabwe — has largely resulted in failure.

Despite the atrocious track record so far, extremists including elements of the ANC-dominated government are now hoping to expropriate land from white farmers more quickly, with some factions even arguing that it should be done with no compensation at all. And the communist agenda, like virtually everywhere else where forcible land redistribution has been adopted, has even broader goals.

“Whatever system of land tenure is adopted in South Africa, the communists — in the long run — have in mind to take away all private property. That should never be forgotten,” Stanton warned, noting that he had lived in communist-run countries before. "Every place you go where communists have taken over, they take away private ownership because private ownership gives people the power — the economic power — to oppose their government. Once you have taken that away, there is no basis on which you can have the economic power to oppose the government."

Meanwhile, the South African government is stepping up efforts to disarm the struggling white farmers, too — stripping them of their final line of defense. As has consistently been the case throughout history, of course, disarmament is always a necessary precursor to totalitarianism and the eventual mass slaughter of target groups. In fact, arms in the hands of citizens are often the final barrier to complete enslavement and even extermination.

“The government has disbanded the commando units of white farmers that once protected their farms, and has passed laws to confiscate the farmers’ weapons,” Genocide Watch noted on its website in an update about South Africa posted last month. “Disarmament of a targeted group is one of the surest early warning signs of future genocidal killings.”

The exile who spoke with TNA said that many of the guns confiscated from whites by officials have later been found at the gruesome murder scenes of white farmers. Even mere possession of an “unregistered” or “unlicensed” weapon — licenses have become extraordinarily difficult to obtain, if not impossible — can result in jail time. And in South Africa, especially for white farmers, that is a virtual death sentence, with widespread rape and HIV infections being the norm. 

Dr. Stanton promised the Afrikaners that he would be visiting the U.S. Embassy and bringing the issue to the attention of world leaders. However, he also urged them not to give up their guns and to continue resisting against the communist “ideology” espoused by so many of the political and party leaders that now dominate the nation’s coercive government apparatus. 

The United Nations defines genocide as "the deliberate and systematic destruction, in whole or in part, of an ethnic, racial, religious, or national group." The term also includes actions other than simply wholesale slaughter, though. According to the UN, among the crimes that can constitute genocide are causing serious harm to members of a specific minority group, deliberately inflicting conditions on the minority aimed at bringing about its destruction in whole or in part, seeking to prevent births among the targeted population, and forcibly transferring minority children to others.

Activists and exiles argue that many of those conditions have already been met — and any single one can technically constitute genocide if it is part of a systematic attempt to destroy a particular group. Meanwhile, experts say that the government is encouraging the problem, actively discriminating against whites, and in many cases even facilitating the on-going atrocities.

Of course, this would not be the first time a similar tragedy has happened in Southern Africa. When Marxist dictator Robert Mugabe seized power in Zimbabwe (formerly known as Rhodesia, once one of the richest countries on the continent), he began a ruthless war against the white population and his political opponents.

The country promptly spiraled into chaos and mass starvation under the Mugabe regime when the tyrant “redistributed” the farms and wealth to his cronies, who of course knew nothing about farming. The regime murdered tens of thousands of victims, and estimates suggest that millions have died as a direct result of Mugabe’s Marxist policies.

Whites who refused to leave their property during the “redistribution” were often tortured and killed by the regime or its death squads. With Mugabe still in charge, the tragic plight of Zimbabwe continues to worsen today. But the mass-murdering despot is still held in high regard by many senior officials in the ANC. 

Not all South Africans — especially city dwellers — are convinced that there is an on-going genocide in their country, or even that one may be coming. Indeed, the vast majority of blacks and whites would simply like to live in peace with each other, and there are plenty of other problems facing South Africa at the same time. However, virtually everyone agrees that without solutions, the precarious situation in the “Rainbow Nation” will continue to deteriorate, going from bad to worse.

Many activists seeking to draw attention to the issue are calling on European governments and the United States to immediately begin accepting especially vulnerable white refugees from South Africa as a high priority. There are less than five million whites in the country, about 10 percent of the population, down from almost a quarter decades ago. Analysts say that giving them asylum, however, may prove tough politically — partly because it could expose the precious establishment myths of Nelson Mandela and his ANC as being “heroic” so-called “freedom fighters.”

Unsurprisingly, the establishment press has barely reported a word about the looming potential calamity. And by the time the world media finally catch on, many analysts worry that it might be too late.

Friday, 14 February 2014

Abel Malan shared Sunette Bridges News Page's status update.

Hannes (61) en Hannetjie (66) le Roux en hul kleindogter is op 3 Februarie in hul huis in Noordheuwel deur 4 BARBARE aangeval!

Die BARBARE het deur die plafon in die hoofslaapkamer ingebreek. Hannetjie is met 'n hamer in haar gesig geslaan en Hannes twee keer met 'n mes in die bors gesteek.

"Hulle wou die kluissleutel hê," vertel Hannes.

Terwyl drie van die rowers die huis gestroop het, het die ander lakens om Hannes se kop en komberse om sy lyf gedraai.

"Hulle wou my versmoor."

Hannes wat teen daardie tyd al n groot hoeveelheid bloed verloor het, sê dat hy net vir kort oomblikke sy bewussyn herwin het.

"Ek was seker ek gaan sterf."

Hannetjie is beveel om vir die mans te wys waar hulle die kar parkeer.

"Ek moes die kar aansluit en uitklim, toe het die vier ingeklim en gevlug."

Toe dit stil word het die Le Roux's se kleindogter die straat ingehardloop om hulp te soek.

Inwoners verder af in die straat het uiteindelik kom help en die ambulansdienste is ontbied.

Na dae in die intensiewe sorg-eenheid van die Netcare Krugersdorp Hospitaal is Hannes ontslaan en sterk nou by die huis aan.