Saturday 1 February 2014





Article by: White Nation correspondent- Western Cape Fabruary 01 2014
The Tollgate Action Group (TAG) consisting of the Freedom Front Plus, the Transvaal Agricultural Union of SA (TAU SA) and the National Taxpayers Union (NTU) is determined to proceed with the trial to amend the Transport Laws and Related Matters (also known as the E-Tol law) declared unconstitutional.

Advocate. Anton Alberts, TAG spokesperson and FF Plus MP in charge of transport, TAG is based on legal advice remains convinced that the E-Tol law is unconstitutional, that the regulations were issued illegally and that the e-toll launch date is announced incorrectly. “All these legal errors will eventually put before the court for adjudication. During our urgent application launched on December 3, 2013, the judge dismissed the case because of a lack of urgency without the merits of our case to judge. TAG will therefore now forward the case in the usual court roll, “said Alberts. “Furthermore, our initial application of 3 December 2013 to supplement arguments about further errors we detected in the E-Tol law and regulations.”


Of the further errors are as follows:

· The toll tariff regulations not seem to be real regulations at all, but merely a notice;
· The offense in the SANRAL Act that deem non-payment of toll fees as criminal referred to in the regulations , is not applicable to the non-payment of e-tolls . The reason is that the offense requires that tolls is payable at any toll plaza, which is defined as any tollgate itself or as prescribed. Since motorists can not offer payment to the toll itself, it had to have been written in the regulations. This was never done.

TAG also wish to advise motorists about their rights to the e-toll. Of particular interest are the following:

· Accounts: TAG is considering a court order to bring SANRAL to force all accounts handled in line with the Consumer Protection Act. SANRAL’s behavior and the regulation itself is full of errors and propose several serious breaches of the law there. The FF Plus also offers assistance to individuals who wish to submit complaints to the Consumer Commission. More information about it can be found by


· Prosecution: TAG will assist any person thatis prosecuted for non-payment in court . In the following arguments, among others, argued:

· That the E-Tol law is unconstitutional and that any prosecution should be halted pending the outcome of the court case of TAG;
· That the regulations indicate that only registered users will owe toll fees , and
· The offense in the SANRAL Act does not apply to e-toll.
TAG encourages the public to NOT to purchase e-chips – as those that do have a contract with SANRAL- and thus contractually obligated to make payments. In addition, SANRAL build its own database to prosecute persons.If motorists do pay out of fear of arrest – TAG will claim it back from SANRAL if it is found unconstitutional.TAG is committed in the public interest to stop the E-Toll system.

Anton Alberts VF embleem Afr

(This issue has now been going on for quite a while. The general public reject this devious intimidation bythe ANC regime to pummel the citizenry into submission through threats, laws and media propaganda. The regime stole pensioners money from the state pension fund to “invest” into this scam, coerse behind close doors with various side-kicks and” business partners” to buy “shares” in a scheme that still had to evolve- then used the media on a devious way to start ” psi-ops” the public into buying into this crap. When they officially decided to “launch” this scheme- they suddenly met fierce opposition from the whole South Africa.
The next move from them- was to try and threat the public in buying this con-scam- and when that did not work as the public went to court with it- Jacob Zuma- under pressure from overseas mafioso- suddenly sign the “act” to “legalize” this crap. Immediately Ali and his gang start to threat the public again. This is proof that Zuma and his chain gang does not heed public opinion- did not inform the public of this scam- and will hell bent try to enforce this crap onto the public irrespective the fact that the public is financially totally on the ground due to irresponsible price escalations by the corporate sector and the ANC regime’s incapability to ensure a secure investment portfolio for overseas investers in a very troublesome country riddled with ” democratic” crime they created. We ask all our readers to stand against this hidious SANRAL onslaught from the ANC regime and their side-kicks that wll ultimately destroy us once and for all while THEY ( Elite few)- rake in the millions.-Ed)

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