Thursday, 23 January 2014

South African Farmers Need to Adopt “Bywoner” Policies for Security

South African famers need to adopt the old “bywoner” policy of offering accommodation to needy Afrikaner families to assist them and also to boost farm security, the president of the International Afrikaner Society (IAS), TJ Ferreira, has said.
Mr Ferreira, a former mayor of Boksburg, the third largest city in South Africa, pointed out on his organization’s website that South African farmers are regularly assaulted, dehumanized and subjected to extreme forms of torture regularly by white-hating black criminals.
“Almost nothing is done to protect them, or change this state of affairs,” he said.
“This leaves them at the point where they need to take care of themselves—an impossible task as a single family.
“I wish to call on our farmers, to have a look at the past, the days of the “bywoner”, the days when farmers would allow other white families to live in a second dwelling on their farms,” Mr Ferreira said, referring to the time in the early twentieth century, when many Afrikaners, impoverished by the tribulations of the Second Anglo-Boer War and post-war anti-Afrikaner discrimination, were given refuge on agricultural holdings by fellow Afrikaners.
“We have thousands of poor whites living in hazardous conditions in squatter camps. Most of them will give anything for a place where they could live a normal life,” Mr Ferreira continued.
“Farmers need to give something in order to gain something—in this case their security and safety.
“Farmers must do what their forefathers did—invite some of those dispossessed families to join them on the farms.
“There, they can set up decent housing, and maybe even cut out an acre or two where they can do a little farming on their own,” he said.
“In return, this will go a long way to assisting the host farmer to creating a safer environment for himself. Numbers create safety, and with more bodies moving around on your homestead—people you know—the less the chance of surprise attacks and ambushes.
“In this way, farmers can help fellow Afrikaners and themselves at the same time. Ask yourself this: How many more farmers have to die before we wake up and protect ourselves?”

Stiefpa 'neem foto's' van meisies in badkamer

Stiefpa 'neem foto's' van meisies in badkamer

Donderdag 23 Januarie 2014
'n Man van Randburg word daarvan beskuldig dat hy 'n kamera, wat as 'n sleutelring vermom is, gebruik het om foto's van sy stiefdogter en haar vriendinne in sy huis se badkamer te neem.
Die 34-jarige verdagte het Woensdag vlugtig in die landdroshof in Pretoria verskyn waar die saak weens probleme met 'n regsverteenwoordiger uitgestel is.
Hy staan tereg op voorlopige aanklagte van die gebruik van kinders vir pornografie en seksuele rypmaking (grooming) van kinders.
Die stiefpa het na bewering 'n bos sleutels, met 'n klein kamera in die sleutelring, in die badkamer geplaas.
Sy vrou het die sleutels gesien, maar aanvanklik niks gesรช nie omdat sy nie bewus was van die versteekte kamera nie.
Hy het sy 15-jarige stiefdogter genader en haar toe na bewering vir seks gevra. 
Toe sy weier het die man gedreig om die foto's, wat hy in die badkamer geneem het, by haar skool te versprei. 
Die meisie het haar ma van die voorval vertel waarna die polisie ontbied is.

Antonie Horn

Aan al my vriende.Alet se fb is ge kaap so hy gaan nie meer in werking wees nie.Sy het 'n nuwe een oop gemaak so asb as sy julle weer uitnooi aanvaar haar asb.Haar profiel foto is 'n ossewa.Die wat vriende was van haar op die ou profiel kan haar asb net weer uitnooi.Baie dankie Antonie.

Boere Krisis Aksie (B.K.A.)

(Gordon) Elderly woman tortured during farm robbery

Five men were arrested after they attacked a 73-year-old-woman and two farm workers in Rikasrus.

22 January 2014 | By Johan Meyer

A 73-year-old woman from Rikasrus in Randfontein was among three people attacked in an apparent farm attack on 17 January.

A worker on the farm was allegedly doing washing outside her room when she was approached by the men.

The woman and her boyfriend, who was inside the room, was overpowered, tied up and gagged.

The men then made their way to the farm house where they tied the helpless elderly woman, Felicity Janse van Rensburg up and while severely torturing her with a stun baton and beating her, demanded firearms, cellular phones and money.

The incident occurred at approximately 1.30pm.

After ransacking the house and loading stolen household goods including a television set, DVD player and other household items into their car, a black Volkswagen Golf, they chased off.

The men also made off with an undisclosed amount of cash.

The badly injured and severely traumatised Janse van Rensburg was eventually freed by people reacting to an advertisement placed for a quad bike for sale, who had gone to the farm to view the bike.

According to former Randfontein Community Policing Forum chairperson and son-in-law of the victim, Mike Bosch, it was a very traumatic experience for the entire family.

"I am deeply shocked," says Bosch. "She is 73-years-old and not a threat to anyone.

"Why go to all the trouble of torturing her so severely?"

The Herald spoke with Janse van Rensburg and was shocked at the extent of her injuries.

She has suffered severe concussion, she is badly bruised - especially her face - and has a massive scar on the top of her head.

According to Janse van Rensburg, her entire upper body is black and blue and she has over 20 marks where she was injured by the stun baton.

She has since moved out from the farm and is currently living with relatives in town.

She declined to be photographed.

Bosch has applauded the excellent service of local security company, Mapogo A Mathamaga Security, as well as the SAPS and the private emergency services that attended the scene. He has also expressed his thanks to neighbours and members of the community who came to assist.

"I received the call at around 2pm and by the time I got to the farm, the police, the security company and emergency services were all there," says Bosch.

"And less that 20 minutes later, all five suspects were in custody," he adds.

Bosch says that a farmer on a neighbouring farm spotted five men pushing a black Volkwagen Golf into a ditch at the side of the road and thought nothing of it, thinking that the car had broken down.

Warrant Officer Charles Gumede, on his way to the scene spotted five men walking down the road, but thinking the robbers were in a vehicle and fearing for the health of the elderly woman with whom he is well-aquainted, he paid no heed.

When talking to the farmer, he found out about the car and Captain Nicky Theunissen and Constable Emile Thiart, on their way to the scene and armed with a very good description of the suspects managed to intercept the men near Rica Piggery.

A member of the public spotted the fifth man hiding in a nearby mealie plantation and alerted Warrant Officer Fanie Botha, who rushed to arrest the suspect.

"If it wasn't for the excellent service of our local security company, the police and private emergency services, these men would be free to attack another innocent victim today," says Bosch.

According to Randfontein SAPS spokesperson Captain Appel Ernst, the police are very pleased about the arrest of the attackers.

"The quick reaction by our police officials as well as the fantastic cooperation they received from members of the public as well as the local security company has resulted in this becoming a success story.

"It goes to show that if we all stand together in the fight against crime, criminals do not stand a chance."

Sunette Bridges News Page

Vanaand moet Annelien Meyer en haar 3 dogtertjies, Juandi, Leje en Veronique sonder hul Pa, Francois, gaan slaap...

Ek weet nie eers hoe 'n mens begin troos na so iets gebeur het nie! Hoe verduidelik jy vir jou kinders van die dinge wat in die land aangaan... en hoe hulle Pappa net nog een van die slagoffers van hierdie wettelose, barbaarse land geword het... vir 'n paar rand en 'n selfoon...

Dit voel vir my asof ons hierdie gesin, en elke ander gesin wat deur hierdie dinge moet gaan, gefaal het... of daar iets was wat ons moes doen, maar nie het nie...

Daar is reeds 12 gesinne - ONS mense - wat die maand langs 'n oop graf moes staan, wat 'n Ma, Pa, Ouma, Oupa, Broer, Suster of Kind verloor het aan die hand van BARBARE wat geen respek vir lewe het nie... en ons hou aan tel en name op 'n lys skryf... Ons huil saam, ons bid, ons raak woedend en ons raak moedeloos... en more skryf ons nog 'n naam by.

Wat moet of kan ons doen? Ek weet nie... ek weet REGTIG nie... Sx

3,035th White Farmer Shot Dead in South Africa in Front of Wife

3,035th White Farmer Shot Dead in South Africa in Front of Wife

In another of the tens of thousands of horrific armed black attacks against white farm families, a young South African veterinarian was shot dead in Limpopo province next to his nursing wife who was pistol-whipped.
Killed was Dr Paul Meyer, 38. He ran his veterinary practice from a farm near the Selati wildlife reserve in Limpopo province, next to the Mozambican border. Afrikaans journalist Virginia Keppler of Beeld newspaper reports that the young wife, Marilise Meyer, 34, was pistol whipped while she was breastfeeding her baby. The family had been kidnapped with friends Pierre and Sue Gallagher from their homestead kitchen with baby Wouter, 5 months. The four armed black attackers, who spoke a Mozambican language, carried AK47s.
  They drove the five white kidnapped people towards the Mozambiquan border at breakneck speed in two farm vehicles which had been stolen from the farm. They stopped a few kilometres short of the border, dumped their kidnap victims next to the roadside, and removed the electronic tracking devices from the robbed farm vehicles.
While they were doing this, they also proceeded to pistol-whip Mrs Meyer while she was breastfeeding baby Wouter in a desperate attempt to keep the baby quiet. They also beat the young wife - who worked as a veterinary assistant at her husband's practice -- across the lower back with a monkey wrench.
Then they shot dead her unarmed husband Dr Paul Meyer, 38, execution style, while he had desperately tried to grab one of the guns from the attackers. The widow is now staying with friends in Gravelotte, where her husband's funeral takes place on Tuesday from the Dutch Reformed Church.
He is the 3,035 th white farm dweller to be murdered in South Africa since 1994. A week earlier at Hartbeespoort near the capitol city of Pretoria, the Raath family was also attacked at their homestead by knifemen who kept stabbing and beating them while screaming that they 'all had to die'. Nothing was robbed.
Mrs Corrie Raath and her husband Pieter said after their ordeal that they both believed that they would be killed there because these attackers had been 'very cruel and had clearly arrived just to kill us.' They were saved when flashing blue lights of an arriving private security guard's vehicle shone through their homestead windows and scared off their attackers. The couple's white German shepherd dog Terry was shot dead, and even their two kittens were slaughtered by the attackers.
Mrs Raath said: “they were very cruel, and had clearly arrived just to kill us. We are moving today. We can’t stay here any longer.' Police did trace down one of the attackers at a nearby squatter camp, said police inspector Moses Manaiwa.
Four days before this attack, 65-year-old livestock farmer David Greig was killed on the Hartzenbergfontein farm near Walkerville near Johannesburg - at exactly the same spot in the kitchen where his mother Hannah had also been shot dead by twelve armed attackers in 1996.
Afrikaans journalist Sonja van Buul of Beeld newsaper reported that Greig and wife Jeanette, 64, were awakened in their bedroom by an armed man who had broken into the homestead by force. "The armed man forced my mother-in-law to open the kitchen door for his two accomplices, who were waiting outside," said Tom Hendriks, their son-in-law on Tuesday. Hendriks said the mother-in-law couldn't find the keys to their gun-safe fast enough - so his father-in-law was shot execution style, once in the head and twice more for 'good measure', in the chest. Mrs Greig also was badly assaulted and stabbed with a knife. She has lost her hearing permanently because her eardrums burst during the beating.
"My father-in-law's mother, Hannah Greig, was shot and killed by robbers in exactly the same spot in 1996. It's so ironic," Hendriks said. The late Hannah Greig's attackers, a gang of twelve armed men, were caught by the then still operative police reservists' commando farm guard units.This gang is still in prison, serving a combined 175 years in jail.
Commercial farmers are increasingly leaving the South African countryside because of these war-like conditions in which they are forced to grow food. There are less than 11,600 commercial farmers remaining in South Africa now - down from 85,000 in 1994. More than one-million farm workers have also lost their jobs, and their families have lost their homes and were forced to move into squatter camps: about 5-million people all told.
Less than one percent of the total South African land-surface now is still in use for irrigated crop-farming, in a country which is so semi-arid that only about 6 percent of the entire surface could ever be used for staple crop-production in its entire agricultural history. Most of the countryside which once was farmed, now is idle and deserted.
Many of these mostly Afrikaner farmers have moved to other neighbouring African countries, often upon the invitation of those governments, because of their farming experience in the tough African conditions.
The commercial agricultural farmers' cooperative union Agri-SA meanwhile is also accusing the South African police of refusing to respond to many of these crime incidents on farms which are being reported by white families to them each day to make the crime-statistics look better for their police stations.
Agri-SA spokesman Andrรฉ Botha said that it was ' alarming that some police officers understate the serious nature of crimes so that the police station's crime solution figures look better."
This, Botha added, was an "economic sabotage" on the farming community as it defeated any crime-combating measures put in place.
"The increase in armed attacks, robbery and theft of farm products and implements holds serious financial implications for agriculture in our country. This high crime rate is experienced by the industry as economic sabotage," he said.

Pta-pa in huisrooftog vermoor

Pta-pa in huisrooftog vermoor

  Elaine Swanepoel

Donderdag 23 Januarie 2014
’n Man van Kameeldrift, Pretoria, is gisteroggend vroeg dood toe vyf gewapende rowers hom oorval en een hom in die gesig geskiet het.
Francois Meyer (50), wat in die staalbedryf gewerk het, was gister omstreeks 06:30 besig om sy kantoor aan die kant van sy huis op die Kameelfontein-hoewes by Kameeldrift oop te sluit toe vyf rowers met klein handwapens hom oorval het.
Die rowers is tussen 20 en 30 jaar oud.
Volgens Mirna von Be­necke, polisiewoordvoerder, was Meyer se vrou, Annelien (49), nog in die huis toe sy ’n skoot gehoor het. “Sy is na die kantoor om ondersoek in te stel en is deur twee van die aanvallers op die trappe na die kantoor voorgekeer,” het Von Benecke gesรช.
“Hulle het haar na die kantoor geneem waar nog drie rowers haar ingewag het. Francois het op die vloer gelรช met ’n skietwond in die gesig.”
Volgens Von Benecke het die rowers die vrou vasgebind en ’n handwapen, haelgeweer en ’n onbekende bedrag geld gebuit voordat hulle van die toneel gevlug het.
Meyer is op die toneel dood.
Carl Jordaan, ’n werker in die Kameeldrift-krisissentrum, het hom uitgespreek oor die wreedheid van die aanval.
“As krisiswerkers sien ons te veel sulke gevalle en het mens soms nie woorde om slagoffers wat soveel trauma ervaar behoorlik te ondersteun nie.”
Volgens Jordaan was die egpaar se dogter ontroosbaar toe hy daar aangekom het. Sy het sy by haar pa gekniel en sy hand vasgehou terwyl sy bitterlik gehuil het.
“En รชrens daar buite loop mense rond wat sonder om te huiwer koelbloedig moord sal pleeg.”
Von Benecke het gesรช die Kameeldrift-polisie ondersoek ’n saak van moord en roof.