Sunday, 2 February 2014

What is Red October?

What is Red October?

Red October is a movement dedicated to raising awareness about the inhumane slaughter and oppression of the White Ethnic Minority in South Africa. We are dedicated to exposing the current South African government for Crimes Against Humanity. We will not be silent until the World takes notice and the Violation of our Human Rights is put to an end.

“Our lives begin to end the day we become silent about the things that matter.” - Martin Luther King


On 21 March 2014 We call on people across the World to raise their voices against the oppression of and violence against the White South African minority!

We will again stage marches and gatherings across South Africa and the World to let everyone know that we have had ENOUGH!

No longer will we be silent about the oppression of White South Africans! No longer will we endure the killing of our people on our farms and in our towns and cities!

We can no longer be silent about the brutal torture of the elderly and defenceless people of our Ethnic Minority!

We are tired of Corrupt Governance, Racist Black Economic Empowerment and Affirmative Action policies. We can no longer tolerate the destruction of our infrastructure, our filthy government hospitals, our pathetic educational system, dirty dams and rivers, uninhabitable parks and public areas, dangerous neighbourhoods and filthy streets! The list is endless and we say it’s ENOUGH!


People all over the World will gather, bearing White Crosses in memory of  those who have lost their lives and in protest against the inhumane Slaughter and Oppression of the White People of South Africa. This needs to stop and can no longer be ignored.

“All that is necessary for evil to triumph is for good men to do nothing!”- Edmund burke

The Red October

Cape Town - A series of protests around the country and in cities in other parts of the world against an apparent white genocide in South Africa has been met with a mixture of support, disgust and confusion.

#RedOctober was one of the top trending topics in South Africa on Thursday as activists staged protests in Cape Town, Pretoria and other cities, according to the Red October website.

The event’s organisers believe that whites are being targeted in hate crimes in South Africa.

Protesters in Pretoria marched to the Union Buildings where they handed over a memorandum demanding an end to what they call a white genocide in South Africa.

Protesters in Cape Town marched from the Cape Peninsula University of Technology’s Cape Town campus to the main Naspers building in the CBD and then to Parliament.

The Red October website said that protests were planned for other cities in South Africa as well as in Australia, the UK and the United States, however it was unclear if the protests had actually taken place.

Speaking at the Pretoria protest, activist, actor and singer Steve Hofmeyr told the crowd: “They say we're wrong because everybody is dying. Everybody is a victim. They're wrong!”

Fellow activist Sunette Bridges said: “I don't want to live where grannies get raped and murdered and we're told it's just crime because a phone was stolen.”

Protesters carried red balloons to symbolise white people who had been victims of violent crime in the country.

However, it seemed as if more people were against the Red October campaign than supported it if social media was anything to go by.

“World Mental Health day, and #RedOctober supporters are calling anyone who doesn't support their racist cause "libtards". Keep it classy, SA,” tweeted @DiscordianKitty.

“The #RedOctober thing... Uncalled for racism at its worst. The way they're acting is embarrassing,” said tweeter @Mikejdavo.

"Stop crime against white people! We don't care about crime against Black, Asian, Indian, Coloured people!" tweeted comedian Trevor Noah.

“As South Africans we should be protesting ALL crime and ALL corruption TOGETHER. These things affect us all equally,” Noah tweeted soon after.

By Thursday afternoon, a petition on the Red October website had been signed by 22 538 people.

What is Red October?

What is Red October?


Sunette Bridges
Red October is a movement dedicated to raising awareness about the inhumane slaughter and oppression of the White Ethnic Minority in South Africa. We are dedicated to exposing the current South African government for Crimes Against Humanity. We will not be silent until the World takes notice and the Violation of our Human Rights is put to an end.

“Our lives begin to end the day we become silent about the things that matter.” - Martin Luther King

On 21 March 2014 We call on people across the World to raise their voices against the oppression of and violence against the White South African minority!

We will again stage marches and gatherings across South Africa and the World to let everyone know that we have had ENOUGH!

No longer will we be silent about the oppression of White South Africans! No longer will we endure the killing of our people on our farms and in our towns and cities!

We can no longer be silent about the brutal torture of the elderly and defenceless people of our Ethnic Minority!

We are tired of Corrupt Governance, Racist Black Economic Empowerment and Affirmative Action policies. We can no longer tolerate the destruction of our infrastructure, our filthy government hospitals, our pathetic educational system, dirty dams and rivers, uninhabitable parks and public areas, dangerous neighbourhoods and filthy streets! The list is endless and we say it’s ENOUGH!

People all over the World will gather, bearing White Crosses in memory of  those who have lost their lives and in protest against the inhumane Slaughter and Oppression of the White People of South Africa. This needs to stop and can no longer be ignored.

“All that is necessary for evil to triumph is for good men to do nothing!”- Edmund burke

Red October Wiehan Botes

Red October

Wiehan Botes

When I started this blog I was angry. I was BEFOK. A 5 month old baby was just strangled in Delmas and when whites came together and protested about the violence against whites, the whole establishment callled them racist. The DA even jumped on the band wagon.

Afrikaner babies slaughtered in South African genocidelabelled racist white genocide blacks africansApparently, it's racist to protest when a 5-month old baby gets strangled for a cell phone by a black who obviously hates white people.

We should be concerned about all crime in South Africa, not just crimes against the minority of whites.

Why can we not voice our concerns when our babies are strangled? Why the fuck is that racist?

If a white man kills a black person in South Africa, they come out in their numbers to protest against the racist whites. Remember the white boy who went nuts in a squatter camp in Swartruggens a while ago? Media outcries the world over.

And who can ever forget the famous picture of Hector Pieterson, which we'll see until the end of time? It's the double standards that make me so angry. You won't ever have seen this picture of Wiehan again.

But this picture, my dear friends - this picture made front pages all over the world.

I'm sure the photographer also still lives off the royalties, because he won endless awards for capturing the true 'crime against humanity' that Apartheid was.

Helen & Alice Lotter

Mrs Helen Lotter, 57, and her bedridden mother Alice, 76.  Tortured to death with broken beer bottles in their anuses and vaginas – the attack had been so horrendous that the post-mortem examiner was unable to find any of Helen Lotter’s sexual organs at all; her breasts were partially cut off and broken bottle-shards were inserted in her vagina and anus as part of the hours of torture she and her mother Alice had endured –her cervix and uterus were completely shredded.

The mother’s front teeth were bashed out; her entire body was ‘covered in bruises, chafing and stabbing wounds. Her sexual parts were mutilated extensively also internally.  The old farm woman had died due to ‘asphyxiation after breathing in blood from penetrating stabbing wounds in her neck and throat’.  They were then both left to die.

Mrs Helen Lotter’s death-bed confession identified the killers as a gardener, Joseph Hlongwane, 22 who had only started working for them a few months earlier, and an associate Joseph Khumalo, 21.  The forensic DNA and fingerprint evidence confirmed Helen Lotter’s death-bed confession. “Kill the Boer” had been daubed in the women’s blood on the farmhouse walls.

And what happened when white people took to the streets in the town where the court procedings took place?

ANC mayor, Mrs Mataba Leeto led an anti-Boer protest at the law court where the trial was held.  They chanted genocidal hate-speech songs such as ‘Kill the Boer, kill the Farmer’ in support of the two killers’ getting bail.  Mrs Leeto has not been put on public record as expressing any kind of sympathy nor outrage over the way the two Lotter women had been tortured to death.   Instead, she led a group which was protesting against the ‘racism’ of local Afrikaner residents who had held a ‘re-enactment’ of the way in which the women were tortured to death to illustrate the community’s deep anger. Both men were found guilty and sent to prison.

Red October

So, today, white South Africans and whites all over the world, who can see what is happening here took to the streets peacefully and tried to bring the white genocide in the making to the world's attention.

And what response do we get? Can anyone guess? The card they always pull? C'mon...
We're racists. The lot of us. We're stupid, we're backward, Apartheid sympathizers. Crime knows no color in South Africa. We all suffer, not just you...


I've said this many, many times before: There is a difference between one drunk black guy killing another drunk black guy with a knife in a shebeen because the guy stole his beer and RAPING, TORTURING AND DISEMBOWLING A FARMER'S FAMILY without stealing anything.

White Farmers Murdered by Blacks

Whites Murdered by Blacks

Since 1994, more than 60000 (if not 60000, I apologize profusely and you can replace the number with 'a shitload' - these numbers come from various other sites - and they have increased since I wrote this article - Google 'muldersdrift') white South Africans have been murdered of which more than 4000 were commercial farmers. Exact figures are very hard to come by as the South African police fail to report most of the murders that take place. There is also no distinction between white and black victims in crime records.

The estimated number of whites sounds like a lot. But it's pretty much common knowledge around the world that there are 50+ murders PER DAY in SA. From 1994 to 2013, that's around 350 000 murders. So, why is it so hard to believe that 60 000 of those are black on white? It's about 17% of the total murders. But the numbers are not the main issue here. It's the NATURE of the crimes.

As the white population of South Africa was 4 434 697 according to the official state census in 1996, and more than 400 000 white South Africans have left the country, it could be estimated that nearly 2% of white South Africans have been murdered in the 18 years of democracy.

Compare that to the 7518 black people that were murdered by the Apartheid government, which comes to a percentage of 0.02% of the black population. (And no, you can't compare people killed by the security forces with people killed by civilians, but I'm sure that if you look up white on black civilian murders during Apartheid, it would still be very low indeed. I'm not in the business of statistics - I'm trying to highlight the fact that it is a lie that the Apartheid government killed millions of blacks)

So, if anybody ever asks you how many black people were killed by white people in South Africa, you can tell them that black people have murdered roughly 100 times more white people in the last 63 years.


There were roughly 128 000 commercial farmers in South Africa in 1980. Today there are 40 000 commercial farmers left in South Africa.

Since 1994, more than 4000 farmers have been murdered and many more maimed, tortured, raped and assaulted.

Go to I guarantee that you will read about either a farm murder or an elderly couple that was murdered EVERY DAY.

The percentages are pretty alarming. Even though it's an inaccurate way of expressing murder rates, one could argue that almost 10% of white farmers in South Africa have been murdered.

The official data is that the murder rate of white South African Farmers (boers) is the highest in the world by profession. It is currently 310/100 000. In London, England, the probability of being murdered is 3/100 000.

It amazes me that white South Africans need to go through lengthy visa applications to enter English speaking nations - isn't it obvious that we should be able to claim asylum based on the fact that we have such a massive probability of being murdered in our own country?




The ANC did a pretty good job of killing their own without the help of the Apartheid government.

The Boer genocide

The Boer genocide


Carefully made on a hillside at Pietersburg there is a cross of many white crosses.  It is a memorial to the Afrikaner lives lost to black violence in rural South Africa since 1991.

picture courtesy of
In those fourteen years there have been more than 20,000 armed attacks perpetrated by groups of militant, young African males on South African commercial farms, mostly run by white Afrikaners of course. The SA farm murder toll now stands at 1,782 since the end of apartheid.  But this is a crisis that the international media all but ignore.  You will, for example, wait till you drop for any hint of it from CNN.
So, why do we hear so little about the real South African situation these days?  To me, it seems that only those issues which appeal to the popular imagination reach the presses.  The corruption of the black ANC mafia, filling its pockets under the pretext of “Black Economic Empowerment”, has been in the news.  So, too, has the never-ending search for riches of less lucky blacks eager, perhaps, to follow a bad example.  And we hear about AIDS, of course, and the ANC medical quacks’ capriole cures - which confirm all our suspicions of black competence.
Corruption, violent crime, AIDS and incompetence, it seems, are images of South Africa which we have grown used to and expect to have reinforced.  Generally, though, even if much of the early idealism and the global wave of goodwill that accompanied the birth of modern South Africa has been dented by the realities of black power, the rainbow nation still elicits a kind of hope from the West.  All that talk about truth and reconciliation, all the saint-worship of Nelson Mandela has to have been for something, surely.  The notion that it might not … even that post-apartheid South Africa might treat its Boer minority far worse than ever the old National Party governments treated blacks is simply not fit for the liberal West to contemplate.  Besides, the Boer is not a picturesque victim, not a figure of sympathy.
You think I exaggerate, perhaps?  Try googling “Boer farm murders”.  You will get the picture.
So … what are the facts about the Boer genocide, the plaasmoorde in Afrikaans … the farm murders?  A good introduction is the film, “Bloody Harvest”.  In fact, this link provides only the first quarter of an hour of the whole film.  Lady Adriana Stuijt, who you can mail at, will send the complete film on DVD from her Netherlands base.  But she needs you to make a donation to the Foundation for Afrikaner Asylum-seekers International (and give her your postal address with the email).
What official statistics do exist about the farm murders?  Scroll down this page.  But … retain your scepticism.  There is something puzzling here.  In recent years the number of the farm attacks has slightly diminished (with 14%) according to these police statistics.  But the number of murders involved has mysteriously gone missing.  How could this be explained?  An acquaintance of mine from SA’s Northwest Province (I can’t disclose further details than that) explained it to me as follows:-
It is the SA government censors. They forbid the South African police (SAPS) from giving crime statistics to the public without the government’s consent.  It is also forbidden for the media to report crime that is not first approved by the police’s headquarters.
It is an understatement to say that the police’s new farm attack statistics are governmentally “approved”.  It’s also a pity that the only thing that really interests us, the murders, have been removed - the more so because there are reports now that farm attacks are getting more brutal than ever.
Btw, another indication that the official statistics are unreliable is that Interpol’s global murder figures for South Africa are approximately double the number of “recorded murders”.  And bear in mind that the farm murder rate is FOUR times the official South African murder average.  If the South African government denies a correlation of 400%, they are in urgent need of a course in statistics.
The white Boer, the Afrikaner farmer, is easily the highest at-risk group for murder on Earth ... 310 in 100,000 per year actually.  By comparison, in London the yearly probability of getting murdered is 3 in 100,000.  The world’s foremost authority on genocide, Dr Gregory Stanton of “Genocide Watch”, has recognised the seriousness of the Boer genocide in his 2002 report.
South Africa’s blacks, and especially the ANC youth, still sing the old ANC resistance song “Kill The Boer”.  In this they have their purposes.  But in the wider world there has been an important shift in the meaning of that word “Boer”.  In German, ein Bauer is nothing but a farmer.  In the Boer War more than a century ago the word implied a fighter.  And under the apartheid regime it became the generic name for the apartheid government and its apartheid army … the apartheid army that was the immediate enemy of the ANC guerrillas.  Singing “Kill The Boer”, in fact, meant “kill the apartheid soldier”.  However, now the Boer is once again merely a farmer and nothing more.  He is a man who works hard with his hands and with few words and whose children now ponder emigrating (though that is difficult - Afrikaners are no colonials and have no mother land to which to return).
The “Kill The Boer” slogan has even been ruled as hate speech by the SA Human Rights Commission (SAHRC) because it incites people to kill Afrikaners.  Yet the ANC ‘s public meetings still sing “shaya ma buru” all over South Africa.  It should be noted that under the UN Genocide convention, such incitements to kill ethnic minorities by any ruling regime is also legally ruled to be genocide and could be rigorously pursued in the International Criminal Court - if the will was there to do it.
Although in most cases the purpose of the farm murders is robbery - which the South African government is always keen to emphasize - the large amount of “overkill” committed and the abounding brutality involved speaks of other, racial motives.  Mr. Lukas Swart has written a book in which he explains in detail how these farm murders (plaasaanvalle in Afrikaans) are prepared and what the farmer can do to prevent greater harm (in Afrikaans).  But discussing this here goes beyond the scope of my present essay.
For how long will the White farmers’ nightmare in South-Africa continue?  Until the last one has gone?  The answer is surely that the worst is yet to come.  It may not happen till far into the future.  But if and when it does, it will look much like the situation in Robert Mugabe’s Zimbabwe today.
Indeed, the ANC “geniuses” have now decided that the SA Commando System - a system that has proven its merits since 1715 and the Boers’ last line of defence against the South African crime syndicates will be – phased out by 2009.  The South African police doesn’t have the resources to take over the job, a fact well know to the South African government.  There is simply no other available explanation but that “it” fits the ANC’s land redistribution plans.
As in Zimbabwe, though, white commercial farmers produce the food for the rest of their 44 million compatriots.  If those farmers are liquidated, the rest of South Africa and other parts of southern Africa will die with them.  The present ANC leaders don’t want to understand this.  But the Boer genocide may yet become the name attributed to the death of millions … if not by murder, then by starvation.
To fully understand the farm murder syndrome it should be placed in a larger South African context.  In South Africa, a new apartheid system founded on race is being installed.  South Africa has already imposed racial quotas that deny work to most young Afrikaners, whether or not they have the right diploma (albeit in Afrikaans, here is a letter of protest to President Mbeki).
Mbeki’s programme of Black Economic Empowerment, as it is called, is commonly dubbed in Afrikaans regstellende aksie (literally “rectifying action”, which we know as Affirmative Action).  Thousands of ANC civil servants in South Africa intimidate and politicise private enterprises to engage blacks instead of whites (and browns, let it be said).  “Progress” plans are implemented, fines and other sanctions imposed.
This is nothing less than the intentional impoverishment of the Afrikaner minority.  In most cases it’s an unqualified or even illiterate black who gets the job (in Afrikaans).  The only choice left open to whites is emigration or begging. 
The SA government is unwilling or, perhaps, unable to understand that any society which fosters criteria other than merit will impoverish as a whole.
Afrikaner people do complain (in Afrikaans)  about paying the bulk of the taxes and getting nothing in return, about the jobs advertised with exclusion formulas, about all the new system’s injustices.  There have been loud complaints about Labour Minister Membathisi Mdladlana, who recently mocked their plight in parliament to amuse his colleagues.  It didn’t amuse many Afrikaners, who don’t understand why, in this rainbow nation, their children must suffer in another apartheid system.  Others wonder how long this new system will last … centuries perhaps?  Yet others look beyond the ANC propaganda and see Black Economic Empowerment as, simply, the new ANC term for black racism.
But apart from the Afrikaner victims, does anyone else care?  Does anyone else actually protest?  Last year Archbishop Desmond Tutu criticised Black Economic Empowerment in South Africa, but only because it enriches such a small minority of already powerful blacks.  That it also impoverishes the white minority because they are white surpasses even his legendary moral indignation.  And the Afrikaner intellectuals?  Most hope not to lose their own jobs.  By that they effectively condone the new black apartheid system -  playing, in an objective sense, the same role as the Judenrรคte once played under the Nazi regime.

Certainly, don’t expect demonstrations from angry Afrikaners.  All those who cast doubt on Black Economic Empowerment are immediately cast down as racists.  And beneath that lurks a more sinister possibility.  The South African government itself suffers from a persecution complex.  Earlier this month the country was engulfed in riots in the crime-ridden townships.  These were strange echoes of the anti-white-apartheid riots of the 1980s.  The government’s response?  It called in the National Intelligence Agency to investigate whether a “secret force” was somehow orchestrating events.  Absolutely no possibility that its own actions might be contributing to the restlessness of the poor can exist.
For all that, replacing the 35,000 commercial South African farmers by blacks is more complicated for the government than just imposing job quotas in industry and commerce.  The farmers are landowners, you see.  They have a special link with their territory.
This the authorities are doing whatever they can to undermine.  In addition to the SAHRC‘s endorsement of the withdrawal of commandos from rural areas, it has banned the term (pdf)  farm attacks from the SA Rural Protection Plan for being politically incorrect (see page 191).  In their view there are no farm attacks, only “murders”.  The link to the land is denied.
There is also the alarming fact that the South African Government is currently making an inventory of South Africa’s farmers along racial lines:-
“To enable the government to monitor the patterns of land ownership as it implements land reform, the deeds registration system would be improved to reflect nationality, race and gender of land owners.
And then in the background there has recently been legislation to make it possible for the government to expropriate assets on a summary basis – no necessity to apply in advance to a court.
The final thrust may be coming shortly from the South African Constitutional Review Joint Committee.  The ANC is quietly rewriting the South African Constitution behind closed doors without giving any clue as to their intentions.  This doesn’t inspire much confidence either, does it?
Slowly but surely it is becoming clear that the South African commercial farmers are enclosed in a deadly trap, as if they were insects.  Yet the world stays silent and is, by that silence, complicit.
What can MR readers do?  Mail the International Criminal Court at, I suppose.  But the chances of having any impact are surely limited.  I would rather ask readers to contact their representatives in the USA, Britain and Australia; urging them to care as much for the white victims of racism in South Africa as they did for the blacks during the apartheid years.  I would urge them to think about how they can save the lives which, without firm action, will certainly be lost in the future, as they have been lost in the past.  I would urge them to recommend motions in parliament advising the SA government not to abolish the SA rural Commando System for purely ideological reasons.
I would urge them to make it clear to the South African government that the international community is watching them closely, and that government actions exposing the white farmers to fatal risk will be interpreted as a crime against mankind.  I would urge them to be morally consistent.  Tell the South African government that driving an ethnic minority into a corner is, in fact, a variant of ethnic cleansing. Then at least they won’t later be able to claim, “Wir haben es nicht gewusst”.
Posted by Johan Van Vlaams on Sunday, June 26, 2005 at 05:46 AM in World Affairs

Antonie Horn

Antonie Horn

NUUS NUUS NUUS!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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Jy kan hom ook lees op enige van die 3 AWB webwerwe,, en onder die kategorie Sweepslag koerant.
Jy kan ook op die skakel hieronder klik en hy sal aflaai na jou rekenaar en dan kan jy hom lees....See more

1500 storm Tzaneen binne met petrol bomme!


Two protesters shot dead by police
Johannesburg – Two men were shot dead by police during a protest in Relela outside Tzaneen, Limpopo police said on Wednesday.
The two men, aged between 25 and 40, were killed on Tuesday evening near the police station in the area, Brigadier Hangwani Mulaudzi said.
About 1 500 violent protesters armed with petrol bombs and stones attacked the police at the station.
“Fifteen officers were injured, three critically so and 19 police vehicles were damaged.”

Mulaudzi said the intentions of the protesters were clear and the officers did what anyone would have done to protect themselves.

“Anyone who was facing that situation last night would have no option but to do what the members did to protect their lives.”
Nine people were arrested for public violence, said Mulaudzi.
He urged Relela community members to stop abusing their constitutional rights by being brutal to police officers.
The community had been protesting since Thursday after the body of a woman was found in the area.
Mulaudzi said two people were taken in for questioning but later released. Their houses were burned on Saturday by angry community members.

During that protest a 15-year-old boy was shot dead by police, allegedly by police.

“The firearms of officers who attended the protest were taken for a ballistic test to confirm if the boy was indeed killed by police.”

SA Police targetted by angry mobs countrywide: 3 police stations torched, dozens of policemen injured

FARMITRACKER - 1 day ago
SA cops run for their lives: 90 riots countrywide target SAPS: three police stations besieged, torched, dozens of cops injured: Jan 31 2014 - At Zithobeni, KwaZulu Natal angry mobs torched the local police station on Friday-morning Jan 30 2014. The cops fled for their lives. The mob also bulldozed the municipal building and a supermarket. Beeld Afrikaans daily journalists at Zithobeni were threatened if they dared photograph the rioters. There wasn't a policeman in sight - and at around 10h30 when a police car did venture into the settlement, the residents descended on him and the c... more »

SA sitting on a violence time bomb as police besieged: Mthethwa

SA sitting on a violence time bomb as police besieged: Mthethwa

Sapa | 31 January, 2014 15:54
A broken window at Relela Police Station. Image by: Gallo Images / Foto24 / Brendan Croft

The escalation in public violence has put the police under siege, Police Minister Nathi Mthethwa said on Friday.

"We have never had such a massive spate of violence in the country, where a small group of police at a satellite station find themselves under siege and surrounded by a vicious angry mob," Mthethwa told journalists in Pretoria.
"In those situations a water cannon would not work, in some instances police lose the battle and die in the line of duty."
He said it was time the nation accepted that it was faced with a huge problem of violence.
"There are protests everywhere in the world, but never have we had such a spike of public violence in the country. We are sitting on a time-bomb and we all as a nation need to do something.
"Our consciousness must speak to us as a nation."
Senior police officials responsible for public order policing held a conference in Pretoria, and were addressed by Mthethwa and national police commissioner Riah Phiyega.
Mthethwa said 13 000 protests took place across the country last year.
"At least 1 882 of these were violent but with minimal fatalities.
"When police brutality is directed at police, it is seldom brutality and the reporting is very selective... that should be condemned."
He said police would act against its members who did not follow internal regulations.
A protest in Bronkhorstspruit earlier on Friday saw residents burning down a municipal building and a satellite police station, he said.
"Tshwane mayor (Kgosientso Ramokgopa) called me and said some residents had not paid their electricity bills, resulting in the discontinuation of power to some households... a building and a satellite police station were burnt by protesting residents."
He blamed criminal elements within communities and said they should be isolated.
Harbouring criminals was not good for the country, and this would come back to haunt communities.
"If we continue to allow these criminals to reign, we will all go on a slippery slope and become victims. Not everyone out there has the community's interests at heart."
A flare-up of community protests across the country has seen at least eight people killed in January alone, allegedly in the hands of the police.
"As a nation, collectively as organisers and police, we need to work together to prevent the repeat of the kind of clashes and events which we witnessed over these past months.
"It is our responsibility, both as individuals and as a nation, to ensure that protests take place in a peaceful and incident-free manner."
Mthethwa called on communities to refrain from carrying dangerous weapons such as iron rods and spears during protests or strikes.

Limpopo villages quiet over weekend after recent unrests

Limpopo villages quiet over weekend after recent unrests

Sapa | 02 February, 2014 12:24
The police try to clear blocked roads in Relela. Image by: Sydney Seshibedi

The Relela and Kubjana villages, near Tzaneen, were quiet over the weekend following recent protests, Limpopo police said on Sunday morning.

"[The villages] are very quiet. The only outstanding thing is that nine suspects are appearing in court [on Monday]," said Brigadier Hangwani Mulaudzi.
The nine were arrested in Kubjana on Thursday night on charges of public violence, malicious damage to property and arson, after they allegedly set fire to a local businessman's house, car and shop.
They would appear in the Bolobedu Magistrate's Court on Monday.
The protests began after a child was found suffocated in the boot of the businessman's car. Two other children found locked in his car were unharmed. Locals accused the businessman of kidnapping the children.
Residents clashed with police who responded at the scene, and threw stones at them.
Three people have died amid the protests in the area.
Protesters were also demanding the arrest of the people who killed and mutilated a 20-year-old woman last week. Two people were taken in for questioning but were later released.
During the protests on Thursday, foreign shops were looted.
On Friday some schools closed, police satellite stations were rendered un-operational and taxi routes were disrupted in the two villages.
On Thursday, nine other people arrested during the protest in Relela appeared in the Bolobedu Magistrate's Court on charges of public violence and the case was postponed to February 11.