Saturday, 18 January 2014

Die waarheid oor Bloedrivier! - Piet Rudolph

Die waarheid oor Bloedrivier!
Slag van Bloedrivier
Een kenmerk van liberaliste is dat hulle in die skynwรชreld van ontkenning leef. As hulle 'n kans kry sal hulle selfs hulle eie bestaan ontken om in die droomwรชreld van Utopiese "make believe" te bly voortleef. Dan sal hulle selfs hulle eie geskiedenis ontken om net in hulle koorsige wentelbaantjie van gelykheid te kan voortwentel en drentel. So is die arme drommel, by name Johan Ebersohn se ylende ontkenning dat Bloedrivier plaasgevind het. Sonder feite behalwe wat 'n Boesman-antropoloog vir hom by Cradle of Mankind vertel het. Siestog.
Hier is die feite! Erasmus Smit, die Voortrekker-prediker, Skryf in sy dagboek wat ook in- Engels vertaal is en 'n weergawe wat hy byna daagliks oor die Voortrek gehou het, die volgende:

"Thursday, 3 January 1839. Tonight a written report has come from Commander General to the President of the Council of our camp with the following content:

Today the 31st December 1839.

To the Council of Representatives of the people, etc.

Gentleman and Gentleman:
My previous report, sent to you members by some Kaffirs from Port Natal to the Stinkhoutberg, for it to be sent forward again from there, has I trust been safely received by you. However being uncertain of this, I will also in this make acquainted with what I have informed you by the contents of the same. That we on our outward journey hither gained sight of the forces of the Zulus just below or on the same mountain ridge, where the previous expedition of the now late Piet Uys attacked them; that I left them that evening unmolested on account of circumstances preventing it, but that they, the Zulus, on the 16th December at day break had encircled our camp with their thousands while I was not yet intending to attack them (on account of the Sabbath), that we then had to defend ourselves fiercely as they also fiercely attacked the camp and stormed the camp in several attacks, but it pleased the Allhighest (on Whom we called) to give them into our hands. Only one man, by name Phillip Fourie, was wounded in the fight with an assegai but has now recovered; that I, after we had for 2 hours resisted the attack of the Kaffirs on the camp and they did not wish to retreat, organised a counter attack on horses, which opposition they could not endure but fled quickly so badly that people pursued them for full 3 hours on horseback - there perished of them a great many more than 3000 men; that I myself having given the necessary orders in the camp, pursued them with a wild horse of which the result was that I chased too closely on the heels of the Kaffirs, depriving me of my arms, this also being a contributory cause, that, while the catch of the gunlock had been closed, a Kaffir sprang on my body and stabbed at me three times which I averted, and the third time not being able to use anything else than my hand, that he stabbed me in it, so that the assegai remained fixed in my hand..."
Die boek-The Diary of Erasmus Smit, wat in 1897 deur ds H.F. Schoon uitgegee is se Hollandse benaming was:Uit het dagboek van Erasmus Smit, Die Engelse skrywer, W. G.A. Mears skryf in sy voorwoord dat hy in 1968 die boek in die hande gekry het en besluit het om dit te vertaal. Dit is in 1972 uitgegee deur C.Struik, Kaapstad.
Ds Schoon sรช in sy voorwoord, die volgende: (in Engels): "There as a child, I was frequently in the housae of the old man, at the time 80 to 90 years of age. He was then very quiet and had retiredinto himself, but his wife was very very talkative and towards me was affectionate and motherly." Schoon skryf dat hy die dagboek ontvang het van 'n skoondogter van Erasmus Smit. Sy voorwoord is gedateer te Ladysmith, Natal op 22 September, 1896.

Nog 'n boek oor die Groottrek en Bloedrivier, is die van die Engelsman. Oliver Ransaford, getiteld The Great Trek, en uitgegee deur John Murray, London, 1972. Van belang in die insiggewende boek, is die volgende in die inleiding: "It was opposed by the two most powerful military empires in southern Africa: together they constituted a far more formidable obstacle then the Red Indians Nations which impeded the contemporary advance of the American frontiersmen towards the Pacific. Yet Hollywood has still to chronicle the struggles of the trekkers, perhaps because in the past cinema goers have been conditioned to see nothing discreditable in dispossessing Sioux, Cherokees and Seminoles of their land, yet keen with pity over the injustices of black Africa"-bladsy X1. Klink dit nie vandag weer bekend nie! (Piet Rudolph)

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